What's New for Release 2.13

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What's New

Issues Status

Issues within a test run now include a status. An issue can be Open, Fixed, or Closed. Issue status can be used by the development teams to indicate when an issue has been addressed by the developers, and by the accessibility experts to indicate when the issue has been verified to be fixed.

Issue status can be seen on the following screens:

  • A new status column has been added in the list on the issues list page.

New Status Column

  • Issues can be filtered based on their status.

Filtering based on status

  • The status field appears in the preview box of the issue, and on the Individual issue details page

Preview Box Preview in Test Unit

Updating Status of Issues

  • Issue Status can be updated by using the drop down or by right clicking on the individual issue(s) on the issues List page. This brings up the Update Issue Status dialog box, where the new status for the issue or issues (Open, Fixed, Closed) can be selected.

    Updating Status

  • The status of an individual issue can also be updated from the Issue Details page.

    Updating Status of an Individual Issue

Reporting updates based on Issue Status

  • A new checkbox, Exclude Closed Issues is now available on the Test Runs Overview page. Select this checkbox to exclude closed issues from accessibility conformance, issues by severity, checkpoints, and the total number of issues in the Test Run Overview page. This can be used to view the ‘before’ and ‘after’ view of the Test Run.

example of a Test Run Overview screen with the tooltips for charts displayed

  • A new checkbox, Exclude Closed Issues is now available in the Test Unit Overview page. Select this checkbox to exclude the closed issues from the total number of issues,automated issues, IGT issues, and manual issues.

    checkpoint tests for page page sections

Test Run Report based on Issue Status

  • Using the Generate Test Run Report button in the Test Run Overview page now brings up a confirmation dialog box where you can decide whether to generate the report with or without closed issues.

User Tagging in Comments for Issues

  • The system now provides the ability to tag a user in the comments for issues. The user then receives a notification email. To mention a user (only users with ability to create issues can be tagged) using autocomplete, type '@' in the editor, then start typing their name. Choose the user you want to mention from the list of suggestions.

    Note: Only users who have the ‘write’ authorization (ability to create Test Cases, Test Runs, Issues, etc) can be tagged.


Support for New Deque Way Versions

  • Administrators can now enable the following standards in the Admin Settings page, and users can then use these standards while creating test cases:
    • WCAG 2.1 AA+ (with 11 AAA)
    • EN 301 549 / Web Accessibility Directive
    These standards need to be enabled by the axe Auditor administrators before users can use them in a Test Case. Admin Settings Page

Bug Fixes

  • Multiple A11y bugs fixed.
  • Axe Auditor was not preventing users from using automated testing and importing of IGT issues even when the digital asset types was not Desktop Web / Mobile Web. This has now been fixed, and both the buttons on the Test Run Overview page display "Not applicable" instead of "Run automated tests" and "Import Issues" for other asset types.
  • An exception was thrown in the server every time the user navigated between issues on the Issue Detail page.
  • Navigating between issues using the Issue Details page was not updating the Issue Summary in the individual issue pages.
  • Auditor and non-Auditor users were able to access archived test runs using saved URLs. This is now fixed, and a message will be displayed with the information that the test run is archived.
  • While performing automated testing, axe Auditor was not handling invalid URLs as required. This is now fixed, and an invalid URL notification is displayed to the user.
  • After filtering for a test run using the Test Runs page, the user is unable to archive the test run.
  • Using the Chrome browser, while performing automated testing, the system displayed URL mismatch pop-up even for unchanged URLs.

Infrastructure Upgrade

  • Deque Way version upgraded to 3.7.3
    • Testing methodology, issues, and recommendations added for two new Standards:
      • EN 301 549 / Web Accessibility Directive
      • WCAG 2.1 AA+ (with 11 AAA SC)
    • Additional test notes added to the following checkpoints:
      • 1.3.4.a Device Orientation
      • 1.4.1.b Link Color Contrast
      • 1.4.4.a Resize (200%)
      • 2.4.7.a Focus Visible
      • 1.4.10.a Reflow
    • Changes to Issues and Recommendations:
      • Lowered the impact of a modal missing role-”dialog” from Critical to Moderate
      • Added context to Combobox and Listbox recommendations to differentiate between the two patterns
  • Axe Auditor extension upgraded to v3.0.4 from v3.0.3
    • Removed dependency on browser components
  • RDS Postgres version upgraded to 14.7 from 13.7

Future Deprecation Announcements

  • Axe Auditor will stop supporting CentOS 7 from the next release onward (version 2.14).
  • Axe Auditor will start supporting Rocky Linux 8 for Docker from the next release onward (version 2.14).

Known Issues

  • The filter function is not working on the Checkpoint tab for flagged pages.

  • Activating the Search by ID option in the Groups tab on the Issues Page intermittently throws a 504 gateway error.

  • For a completed Test Run, the manual testing status is intermittently displayed as 'In Progress' incorrectly (instead of ‘Complete’) on a few of the test units.

    Workaround: Marking all of them as ‘Complete’ again will solve the issue.

  • Performing automated testing on a component which is behind the iframe throws an error and the loading icon is displayed indefinitely.

Browser/Driver Support

Browser Min Version Recommended Version
Chrome 102.0.5005.184 (LTS) 107.0.x
Firefox 102.4.0 (ESR) 106.0x
Safari 16 16.1
Edge 106.0.1370.34 (ESR) 107.0x