In the root level of your testing folder, install the @axe-core/watcher package and all of its dependencies using npm or your preferred package manager (for example, Yarn or pnpm).
npm install --save-dev @axe-core/watcher
In your test file or files, import the playwrightConfig() function, the wrapPlaywright() function, and the PlaywrightController class from @axe-core/watcher:
const {
} = require('@axe-core/watcher')
In your test setup code (typically in a before or beforeAll block), wrap any existing code for creating a browserContext instance with a call to playwrightConfig while providing your API key:
const browserContext = await playwright.chromium.launchPersistentContext(
* We set userDataDir to an empty string which saves
* browser data to a temporary directory
* @see
axe: {
apiKey: process.env.API_KEY
* We support both headless and headed mode with Chrome.
* For headless mode:
* - Use '--headless=chrome' for browsers v94-108.
* - Use '--headless=new' for browsers v109+.
* For headed mode:
* - Remove the '--headless' flag.
* @see
headless: false,
args: ['--headless=new']
Once you have a page instance, create an instance of the PlaywrightController class and wrap your browserContext:
// Create a page instance, using your browser context.
let page = await browserContext.newPage();
// Initialize the PlaywrightController by passing in the Playwright page.
const controller = new PlaywrightController(page);
// Use the new wrapped Playwright page instance.
page = wrapPlaywrightPage(page, controller);
Finally, ensure all test results from axe Watcher are flushed out. To do this, add the following block of code to your test teardown code (typically in an afterEach block):
afterEach(async () => {
await controller.flush()