Deque University Features Demo

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Video Overview

Video recorded August 17, 2023. The features and user interface are subject to change.

Deque University Features for Learners

  • The "Fast Track" Courses:
    • Role-specific: for designers, for document creators, for non-technical roles, and (coming soon) for web developers, and for PDF creators.
    • Short, succinct, high level overviews of the most important information
    • Video-based, with examples and demonstrations
    • Strategic: If you're going to assign only one thing about accessibility to people in a given role, the Fast Track course for their role is what you want to assign
  • The "Deep Dive" Courses
    • Topic-specific: web accessibility, document accessibility, mobile app accessibility, accessibility program management, customer service for people with disabilities
    • Very detailed information, with accessibility rules, explanations, good examples, and bad examples
    • Real code examples: learners can inspect the code, turn on a screen reader, and test out every aspect of our examples to learn from them
  • IAAP Certification Exam Preparation: Exam prep tracks for the following exams offered by the International Association of Accessibility Professionals:
    • CPACC (Certified Professional in Accessibility Core Competencies)
    • WAS (Web Accessibility Specialist)
    • DAS (Document Accessibility Specialist)
  • Graded Exams: for learners to test what they've learned, or to allow them to test out of taking courses
  • Certifiates of Completion for the graded exams, for course completion, and for curriculum track or learning path completion
  • Fully Searchable Curriculum: Learners can search for answers across all the topics in the whole Deque University library, and use it as an encyclopedia of accessibility
  • Integration with Deque Products: Deque's testing tools link to learning resources in Deque University to explain how to fix accessibility issues

Deque University Features for Account Admins

  • Assign Custom Learning Paths
    • Consult with Deque for recommendations on learning paths for various roles and purposes
    • Choose any combination of courses, in any order, for individuals or for groups
    • Option to assign multiple learning paths to learners, organized by priority
    • Learners see assigned learning paths at the top of the learning catalog
    • The rest of the courses (not assigned in learning paths) are still available to learners if they want to learn more
  • Graded Exams
    • Exams can be assigned with a deadline, or learners can opt to take exams on their own
    • Allow learners to test out of courses by taking an exam instead (if they pass the exam)
    • Exams available for both "Fast Track" courses and for "Deep Dive" curriculum tracks
  • Course Progress Reports
    • Progress summary shown for entire organization
    • Detailed course completion data for each user and course
    • View summaries grouped by learning path or by user group
    • CSV download of reports available
  • User Management
    • Add and remove users from the account, and assign to groups and/or learning paths
    • Bulk upload of users via CSV files
  • User Groups
  • Account Admin Management: Available admin roles include:
    • Account Admin: full control over the account
    • Learning Path Admin: user management for a specific learning path
    • Group admin: user management for a specific group
    • Report Viewer Read only access to course progress reports
  • Optional SSO (Single Sign On) Integration
  • Optional SCORM exports of the courses, for use in a separate LMS (Learning Management System)