Export axe Expert and axe Monitor Results

Link to Export axe Expert and axe Monitor Results copied to clipboard

The axe Expert extension is officially retired. Read more about this on the axe Expert Replacement page. These pages will be taken down in July of 2024. Email helpdesk@deque.com with any questions or concerns.

Use the axe Expert Extension CSV Reporter

In order to create and export reports follow this path: Overflow Menu > Export axe Expert Extension CSV or Overflow Menu > Export axe Monitor CSV

Follow the steps below to export analysis results as a Comma-Separated Value (CSV) file suitable for viewing and editing in a spreadsheet program such as Excel. Dependent on whether the user has elected to Export axe Expert CSV or Export axe Monitor CSV, the resulting file includes the following columns of information about each violation:

Attest Results Headings Comply Results Headings
Page URL Id
Page title URL
Outcome Grouping
Impact Element source code
Code snippet Description
Selector Severity
Remediation HTML element
Manual Help
Rule iD Tab URL (if different from Page)
Help Frame URL (if different from Page)
Description Category
Help URL Label
Standard weight
WCAG 2 Success Criteria Additional Information
Section 508 Paragraph Selector
Tags Date
Date Status
Axe-core Manual?
Suggested remediation
Assigned to
Has Script?
WCAG 2 Level
WCAG 2 Success Criteria
Section 508 Paragraph
Manual Issue ID

Export analysis result data:

  1. With the analysis results displayed in the Analyze panel and any rule violation populating the content pane, access the analysis panel context menu button (vertical ellipses) and select Export axe Monitor CSV.

    Selecting Export link on the Analyze context menu with results displayed

    The Save CSV File system file browser dialog displays.

  2. Select the folder location where you want to save the file; for example, Desktop.

  3. Type a file name if you want it to be something different than the default.

  4. Select Save.

    Selecting a folder, entering a File name, selecting Save in Save CSV File system file browser dialog

The file is saved to the location you specified. You can now open the file with a spreadsheet application, for example, Microsoft Excel, and edit the file. Or, you may import the file into another CSV file format compliant system.

Example of an exported axe Expert Extension analysis results report .csv file opened in Microsoft Excel

Export a report of analysis results for a "clean" scan:

Some users wish to generate a report of a clean scan to prove site accessibility (or prove that no issues were found by automated testing).

Save analysis results for a "clean scan":

  1. Verify that the clean scan is displayed.

  2. Activate the axe Expert Extension DevTools panel menu to display enabled options:

    A view of a clean scan with the axe Expert tab menu open to display the enabled options to export to axe Monitor CSV or an axe Expert Extension CSV

  3. Choose the preferred report export option: Elect to export to axe Monitor CSV or export to axe Expert Extension CSV.

Sign in to axe Monitor before selecting the preferred import option if you wish to upload the report to axe Monitor. Otherwise, follow the prompts to save the exported report to your local file system.