Functionality requires a dragging movement with no alternative

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All functionality that uses a dragging movement for operation (such as sliders, drag-and-drop interfaces) MUST have an alternative that can be achieved by a single pointer without dragging, unless dragging is essential. (A keyboard equivalent does not satisfy this Success Criterion.)


When functionality requires dragging actions, people with motor disabilities may find it difficult or impossible to perform the gesture, either because they may lack the accuracy necessary to carry it out or because they use an assistive technology that lacks the capability or accuracy. An alternative method to accomplish the same function that relies only on single-tap actions that are not path-based must be provided. This allows people with low dexterity or who use assistive technologies to access the functionality, as well as aids people with cognitive disabilities who may not know about or understand the required complex gesture.

NOTE: Dragging is an operation where the pointer engages with an element on the down event and the element (or a representation of its position) follows the pointer. Examples of dragging actions include dragging to sort or reorder items, dragging to another position on the screen, dragging to draw or change the size of a shape or line. Such paths may be drawn with a finger or stylus on a touchscreen, graphics tablet, or trackpad, or with a mouse, joystick, or similar pointer device.

How to Fix

Fix this issue by providing an alternative method to accomplish the same function that can be accomplished using single taps such as alternative input into a text field, or a tap to select and a tap to drop.

The alternative method can replace the current method or be an additional method.