User cannot confirm or reverse a deletion

Link to User cannot confirm or reverse a deletion copied to clipboard



If the user can change or delete legal, financial, student exam responses, or unrecoverable/unintentionally modified or deleted data, the changes/deletions MUST be reversible, verified, or confirmed.


Online legal, financial, test/exam taking, and large data transactions can have serious consequences. People with disabilities may be more likely to make mistakes - such as transposing letters or numbers or pressing a key by mistake. It is important to help detect mistakes before taking an action that could result in serious consequences by giving people an opportunity to reverse or verify or confirm the transaction. Providing the ability to review and correct information gives (all) people an opportunity to detect a mistake before taking an action that has serious consequences.

How to Fix

Fix this issue by using AT LEAST ONE of the following techniques:

  1. Allow the user to confirm the deletion before it takes place.
  2. Allow the user to reverse the deletion request after it has been submitted.