What's New in 1.4

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  • Ability to delete projects and scripts on the Configuration Screens

    Axe Reports administrators can now delete the projects and scripts on the Configuration screens.

    Delete button in Manage Scripts page

    Delete button in Manage Projects page

  • Message Displayed for First Time Configuration of Projects and Scripts

    A message indicating that no records were found, along with a link to add new projects or scripts is now displayed to axe Reports administrators when there are no existing projects and scripts in the dashboard.

    Message Displayed for First Time Configuration of Projects and Scripts

Bug Fixes

  • The Configure Projects page displayed an infinite progress wheel when there were no projects available to the logged-in admin user. An appropriate message is now displayed to the user informing the user that no projects are currently configured.

  • The Start Date and End date filters on the Manage Scans page weren't accounting for time zone differences.

  • The Issues By Severity page had a pagination alignment issue where the pagination section was appearing in the middle of the table instead of the bottom of the table.

  • The Chart View displayed the axe DevTools HTML Script ID instead of the display name of the script.

  • The Active Filter field in the Manage Scans page displayed the axe DevTools HTMLScript ID instead of the display name of the script. Modifying the script display name on the Edit Script page didn’t automatically update it on the axe DevTools accessibility score chart.

  • On using Latin or special characters in their dimension and project display names, the dimensions and projects were automatically being split into multiple dimensions or projects.

Known Issues

  • Some special characters, like # and ‘ cause issues during the CSV exports even when it is exported in the utf8 format, causing the CSV file to break. These characters are currently removed when found during the CSV export process.

Future Release: Enterprise Support for RHEL 7.x

  • In the next release for axe Reports, Deque will be discontinuing enterprise support for CentOS and moving towards Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.x as the supported environment.

Browser/Driver Support

  • Axe Reports has been tested and is supported on latest versions of Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Edge.

Supported Environments

  • Axe Reports Version: v1.4

  • Operating Sytem: CentOS 7.x

  • Database: MySQL 8.0