iOS Test Example with XCUITest Driver
Be sure to checkout the full Appium setup guide with axe DevTools Mobile if you're just getting started.
XCUITest Driver Example with Python Tests
While the below example is written in Python, the logic is transferable to other Appium client libraries.
from appium import webdriver
from appium.options.ios import XCUITestOptions
from appium.webdriver.appium_connection import AppiumConnection
class DemoWithAxeDevToolsMobile:
def setup(self):
success = True
desired_caps = {}
# Add your required capabilities for testing:
desired_caps['platformName'] = 'iOS'
desired_caps['automationName'] = 'XCUITest'
# Add axe DevTools Mobile required capabilities for testing:
desired_caps['bundleId'] = "com.bundle.identifier"
# Initialize Appium Server Connection
options = XCUITestOptions().load_capabilities(desired_caps)
self.driver = webdriver.Remote('http://localhost:4723', options=options)
def runAccessibilityScan(self):
settings = {}
settings['apiKey'] = "<your-api-key-here>"
return self.driver.execute_script('axe:scan', settings)
demo = DemoWithAxeDevToolsMobile()
# Navigate To Screen
# Navigate To Another Screen