Getting Started

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Quickly identify accessibility issues in your iOS application.

axe DevTools for iOS features two frameworks: axeDevToolsUIKit.xcframework and axeDevToolsXCUI.xcframework.

Which framework is right for you?

Supports axeDevToolsUIKit axeDevToolsXCUI
Language Swift
View UIKit
React Native
Test Style Manual
Unit Tests
UI Tests

The axe DevTools iOS Frameworks allow you to quickly find accessibility issues in your application before they get into production. The frameworks, if combined, can be built into your application or against your UI or unit tests. Results from these scans can be viewed in the axe DevTools Mobile dashboard.

Sample Application

Download our sample application on GitHub. Add your Deque credentials and follow the README to get started running scans right away. This application is inaccessible to showcase the axe DevTools Mobile implementation steps and its issue detection.