Overview of axe Auditor

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Axe Auditor Components

Axe Auditor has two primary components: the server and the browser.

Axe Auditor Server (on-premise or cloud-based)

  • Stores Test Cases, Test Runs and Issues generated during testing.
  • Coordinates browser testing activity.


  • Provides detailed instructions for how to test applications and sites for each accessibility checkpoint.
  • Designed with testing professionals in mind to accommodate intuitive, efficient and detailed issue logging.
  • Used to display applications and sites to be tested for accessibility.
  • Optionally loaded with the axe Auditor Browser Extension to add automated and manual tests and tools.

Before You Begin

Prior to using axe Auditor to begin an assessment or create a test run, it is recommended that you have a general understanding of how to navigate the user interface (starting from the main horizontal menu screens), some key terminology ('page' vs. 'screen', test 'case' vs. 'run', 'automated' vs. 'manual' testing), what the Deque Way Checkpoints are all about, and a high-level view of a typical user session in which common task steps are performed by screen to complete procedures.

Subtopics: Within this Overview topic, the important subtopics that follow are provided to give you enough basic background information to start testing.


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