Who should use axe Auditor®?

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Axe Auditor is a tool for auditing all of your digital properties and documents. Axe Auditor provides automated comprehensive testing and guided manual testing. It is generally used by accessibility specialists, testers, team leaders, subject matter experts and those wanting to grow their knowledge of accessibility.

Axe Auditor is best suited for organizations who:

  • are striving to reach 100% WCAG compliance,
  • want to build their own accessibility team, and
  • have ample work for 3-4 designated a11y testers.

What pain points does axe Auditor solve?

Accessibility Pain Points Solutions
Too much work, too few resources Cuts audit time by 50% (or doubles the capacity of each designated a11y tester)
Struggle to find highly qualified people Step-by-step auditing with remediation library helps blossoming designated a11y testers to learn while they work
Pressure from developers to clearly communicate how to fix issues Remediation library - can cut and paste for developers
Variation in audits within the designated a11y team Methodology solves inter-tester reliability problem and creates consistency.