Resetting Your Password

Link to Resetting Your Password copied to clipboard

Use the Forgot password? link on the SIGN IN dialog box to enter your email address and activate a button to be emailed a one-time link you can use to reset your password.

To reset your password:

  1. On the 'Sign in to Deque' dialog box, activate the Forgot password? link located just above the SUBMIT button.
  2. On the 'provide the email associated with your account' dialog box, enter your Email address, then activate the Reset Password button.
  3. Open the subject 'Reset password' message from in your email inbox, then activate the link within its body.
  4. On the 'Update password' dialog box, enter the new password twice in the corresponding fields provided (New Password and Confirm password), then activate the SUBMIT button.

Note: The one-use reset link expires in five minutes after being sent to you.