Marking All Complete
When you want to mark all checkpoints as complete for a page under test at once, a link on the "Checkpoint Tests for" (Component or Page) "hub" screen near the top, right corner provides an efficient way to accomplish it.
To mark all complete:
- In the top, right corner of the Checkpoint Tests for Page:<Page Name> screen, click the mark all complete button.
The Mark All Tests Complete for Page:<Page Name> screen appears, prompting you to verify results and confirm the requested action.
Caution: For all checkpoint tests that do not have assigned results or issues added, the result to be assigned will be 'Pass'. For those without a result that do have issues added, the result to be assigned will be 'Fail'.
- On the Mark All Tests Complete for Page:<Page Name> screen, click the Yes, Mark All Complete button.
- This takes you back to the Test Run Overview page. Here, you can do one of the following, as desired:
Click the Complete Auto Testing link if you have not yet connected a browser to run automated tests.
Click the Go to the Test Run Overview link to view the current state of the test run this page is a part of.
When all pages of the test run are not complete, there is a 'Go to the Next Incomplete Page' button displayed within the system completion response message.
Click the Go to the Next Incomplete Page button to repeat this procedure for other pages that have been added to the test case/test run.
This button disappears when all pages of the test run are complete.