Review Test Unit Results

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The test unit overview (Checkpoint Tests for Page/Component: <Page/Component Name>) screen provides an overview of Audit results and completion status of the Test Unit as well as each checkpoint.

Example screen shot of the Review Checkpoints section showing results, status, issues and

The detailed table displays following information:

  • Checkpoint Name: Linked to individual Checkpoint screens.
  • Test Result: In the category row, three lines display the total number of fail, pass, and not applicable results for the category. Individual checkpoint rows within the category display either pass (green background), fail (red background), or N/A (grey background) color-coded results.
  • Completion Status: The category row displays the '# of total tests done' count for the category to the right of the category status, and each individual checkpoint row displays a color-coded completion status - either complete (blue background), in progress (yellow background) or not started (grey background).
  • Issues: The category row displays a total number of issues for the category which is linked to the Issues for <Test Case Name> screen to view details (summary, impact, method, and page), and individual checkpoint rows show a display-only number of issues.
  • Flags: The category row displays a total number of flags for the category which is linked to the Flags for <Test Case Name> screen to view details (page, checkpoint, date/time, and reason), and individual checkpoint rows show a display-only number of flags.