Save Results Locally

Link to Save Results Locally copied to clipboard
Not for use with personal data

Save results locally to utilize the axe DevTools Reporter CLI to build an executive report off a set of scans within your CI/CD pipeline.

A scan's result will be saved as a .json file. Saving results locally is only supported within automated testing.

Optional Parameters

If the path and file name are not specified, the results will be named "(APPID)-(CURRENT_SCREEN_TITLE).json" and will be saved in a folder called "AxeDevToolsResults" within your User folder. Scan name will default to the title of the view controller if available. try axe?.saveResult(result, toPath: "", withFileName: "", withScanName: "")

Full Example

func testAccessibility() throws {
    guard let result = try axe?.run(onElement: XCUIApplication()) else { XCTFail(); return }

    //Save Result Locally
    let path = try axe?.saveResult(result)
    print("Result saved to location: \(path)")

    //Any assertions
    XCTAssertEqual(result?.failures.count, 0)