Setup for XML Layout Testing

Link to Setup for XML Layout Testing copied to clipboard
Not for use with personal data

This page highlights the steps for setting up the library to scan android applications with XML layouts for accessibility issues. For steps to pull in the library, please see Getting Started.

Other resources for scanning Android layout hierarchies:

Automated Testing

Before running Espresso tests, initialize the main entry for the AxeDevTools library.

Initialize the Library

In the test class init, connect to the library with one of the following:

Connect with API key:

Generate an API key at

private val axe = AxeDevTools()

init {

Connect with username and password:

private val axe = AxeDevTools()

init {

Run a Scan

When you're ready to run a scan from your tests, you'll want to run axe.scan(...). We've included a function below that highlights some additional functionality you may find helpful.

Read about these features and more on the Android Features page. This function is broken down below the snippet.

private fun a11yScan() {
    rule.scenario.onActivity { activity ->
        //1. Scan and receive the ScanResultHandler locally
        val scanResultHandler = axe.scan(activity)

        //2. Upload it to the dashboard

        //3. Using the results in your test suite
        val result: AxeResult? = scanResultHandler?.getSerializedResult()
        result?.axeRuleResults?.forEach { result ->
             if(result.status == AxeStatus.PASS) {
             else if(result.status == AxeStatus.FAIL) {
             else if(result.status == AxeStatus.INCOMPLETE) {

        //4. Save the result JSON to a local file for later use

Code snippet breakdown:

  1. Call axe.scan(activity) anytime the UI should be scanned. The scan function can be called multiple times within the same test run. The current activity will be scanned for accessibility issues, and a scan result handler will be returned.
  2. From the result handler, call uploadToDashboard() to send the most recent scan to the dashboard. The scan will be published from the authenticated account used in the init function.
  3. From the result handler, call getSerializedResult() to use results from the library locally. For example, you may choose to fail the test when failures are found in the accessibility scan results. This will not upload your results to the server. Uploading your results is not required to get the results locally.
  4. From the result handler, call saveResultToLocalStorage() to save the results as JSON in a local file within your test device. To access the saved file, refer to the feature documentation for Saving Results Locally.

Scan a Dialog

Released with version 3.1.0, axe DevTools for Android now supports scanning dialogs. From your dialogs method, pass the returned dialog as a parameter to the scan method as well as a callback to handle the scan's result. The callback returns a ScanResultHandler by default so that you may handle the result as you see fit. See the following example:

Kotlin Example:

val dialog = AlertDialog.Builder(requireContext())

MainScope().launch {
    axe.scan(dialog) { handler ->

When scanning a dialog the scan itself will take place immediately after the dialog has been inflated in both manual and automated testing. Note that a scan will only take place if the following are true:

  • The user is authenticated
  • The floating action button is displayed behind the dialog or espresso tests are running
  • The dialog is inflated before the timeout expires


Once the test has been completed, call tearDown() on the AxeDevTools object you have created to clear the state of previous tests. We recommend putting this in your testing file's tearDown function, but it can also be called within a test if needed.

fun tearDown() {

Example Espresso Test Class for XML

class ExampleInstrumentedTestWithAccessibility : Utils {

    var rule: ActivityScenarioRule<MainActivity> = ActivityScenarioRule(

    private val axe = AxeDevTools()

    init {
        //Connect using an API Key

    fun setup() {

    fun exampleTest() {
        onView(withText("Active View Name")).perform(click())
        onView(withText("Actionable Button")).perform(click())
        onView(withContentDescription("Share Data")).perform(click())

    fun runAccessibilityScan() {
        rule.scenario.onActivity {
            val scan = axe.scan(it)

Scan Dialog Espresso Example

class ExampleInstrumentedTestWithAccessibility : Utils {
    private lateinit var countingResource: CountingIdlingResource

    fun setTestingConfig() {
        countingResource = CountingIdlingResource("DialogScan")

    fun dialogScan() {

        rule.scenario.onActivity { activity ->
            val dialog = AlertDialog.Builder(activity)

            axe.scan(dialog) { handler ->
                val result = handler?.uploadToDashboard()

        while(!countingResource.isIdleNow) { Thread.sleep(100) }

    fun tearDown() {