axe DevTools Linter Accessibility Rules

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This article contains information about the rules and tags recognized by axe DevTools Linter, and each rule links to a page on Deque University with more information.


axe DevTools Linter checks source against the following rules:

  1. area-alt
  2. aria-allowed-attr
  3. aria-allowed-role
  4. aria-command-name
  5. aria-conditional-attr
  6. aria-deprecated-role
  7. aria-dialog-name
  8. aria-input-field-name
  9. aria-meter-name
  10. aria-progressbar-name
  11. aria-prohibited-attr
  12. aria-required-attr
  13. aria-roledescription
  14. aria-roles
  15. aria-text
  16. aria-toggle-field-name
  17. aria-tooltip-name
  18. aria-treeitem-name
  19. aria-valid-attr
  20. aria-valid-attr-value
  21. autocomplete-valid
  22. button-name
  23. definition-list
  24. empty-heading
  25. empty-table-header
  26. frame-title
  27. html-has-lang
  28. html-lang-valid
  29. image-alt
  30. input-button-name
  31. input-image-alt
  32. label
  33. link-name
  34. list
  35. meta-refresh
  36. meta-viewport
  37. nested-interactive
  38. object-alt
  39. presentation-role-conflict
  40. role-img-alt
  41. select-name
  42. svg-img-alt
  43. tabindex
  44. valid-lang

Markdown Rule

axe DevTools Linter checks Markdown source against the following rule:

React Native Rules

For information on the rules used for linting React Native code, see Using axe DevTools Linter for React Native.


The following table shows the tags that are accepted by axe DevTools Linter for selecting the rules to check source against:

Tag Name Accessibility Standard / Purpose
wcag2a WCAG 2.0 Level A
wcag2aa WCAG 2.0 Level AA
wcag21a WCAG 2.1 Level A
wcag21aa WCAG 2.1 Level AA
best-practice Common accessibility best practices