Downloads for axe DevTools Linter

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Links to Deque's axe DevTools Linter resources available for download

Free Trial

This article contains links to download the axe DevTools Linter Connector binaries for Windows, Linux, and Mac and other related axe DevTools Linter resources.

axe DevTools Linter Connector

The axe DevTools Linter Connector is a command-line tool for sending files to axe DevTools Linter. For more information, see Using the axe DevTools Linter Connector.

Installation Sites

You can install axe DevTools Linter Connector from Deque's Agora artifact repository or Deque's SFTP server. Both require that you have an account.

Deque's Agora

Downloading from Agora requires a Deque Agora account. To inquire about an Agora account, send an email to Deque's helpdesk.

You can find the latest versions axe DevTools Linter Connector for Linux, macOS, and Windows on Deque's Agora:


Because of how Agora authentication works, you might have to click the download link twice: The first click will let you log in to Agora (or refresh your login token) but might only take you to a general download page. The second click will download the axe DevTools Linter Connector.


You can also download an older version of axe DevTools Linter from the following folder on Deque's SFTP server:


Preparing the axe DevTools Connector for Use

For more information about setting up and using the tool, see Setup.

Other axe DevTools Linter Resources

The following links point to the other related resources:

If you experience issues downloading or using any of these packages or files, contact your Deque representative directly, reach us via our support desk, or send us an email. We'll be happy to help.

Downloading the On-Premises Server

You will need to speak with your Deque representative to download the on-premises server binary as it is not available via a self-serve download link. You can also contact the Deque Systems help desk.