Release Notes for axe DevTools Linter

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Release notes describing the changes in axe DevTools Linter

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4.9.0 (May 8, 2024)

4.8.3 (March 14, 2024)

  • Bundled the LSP server with the plugin for JetBrains IDEs (IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate and WebStorm). (The LSP server was previously downloaded upon first run of the plugin.)

4.8.2 (February 29, 2024)

  • Fixed problem when linting Vue with TypeScript.
  • New plugin for linting with IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate and WebStorm.

4.8.1 (January 5, 2024)

  • Fixed errors that appeared when running the on-premises Dockerfile.
  • Allow default attributes in custom components to be boolean values.
  • Fixed start-up problems with the on-premises server, where it required several unnecessary environment variables to be set (among other issues).

4.8.0 (October 3, 2023)

4.7.3 (August 23, 2023)

  • axe DevTools Linter Connector has a new option: --stdout for redirecting output to standard output (stdout). The following is example output for a file with one accessibility error:

    ::error title=Axe Linter::meta-refresh ( - Ensures <meta http-equiv="refresh"> is not used for delayed refresh,file=./rules/meta-refresh/meta-refresh.html,line=4,endLine=4,col=4,endColumn=59::
    ::debug::Found 1 issues.
  • axe DevTools Linter Connector now only writes log entries for files if it's unable to lint them.

  • Fixed a problem with validating API keys that caused linting to fail.

4.7.2 (July 12, 2023)

  • There is a new configuration option, overrides, which allows you to change the type of linter used for the specified files (individual files or files matching a glob pattern). See overrides for more information.
  • A Docker image for on-prem axe DevTools Linter usage is now available. For more information, contact your Deque representative directly, ask us via our support desk, or send us an email.
  • In this release, we fixed several bugs that affected only internal users.

4.7.1 (May 23, 2023)

  • The exclude configuration option now allows a string. (Previously, it only allowed an array of strings). See exclude for more information.
  • Fixed a custom component linting bug in .jsx files that caused <text> mappings to be ignored.
  • Fixed a bug where the exclude configuration option was ignored.
  • Fixed a bug where the VS Code extension wasn't running in the correct ExtensionMode.

4.7.0 (April, 26, 2023)

  • MUI React Custom Component Library Support
    MUI, a comprehensive suite of React UI tools, now has full support in axe DevTools Linter. No manual custom component configuration required, just a single configuration step. More component libraries are coming soon.
  • React Native Support
    Test for accessibility issues in your React Native apps even earlier in the development cycle with axe DevTools Linter. Combine this with automated testing using axe DevTools Mobile to catch more advanced accessibility issues in your apps.
  • Several bugs across all axe DevTools Linter packages were fixed in v4.7.
  • Known Issue: Exclude configuration from axe-linter.yml does not work in VS Code plugin or axe DevTools Linter.

4.6.0 (February 1, 2023)

  • New Rules
    axe DevTools Linter 4.6 implements a new rule. For complete details, refer to empty table header.
  • Cauldron React Custom Component Library Support
    Deque’s open-source library of React components called Cauldron React now has full support in axe DevTools Linter. No manual custom component configuration is required, just a single configuration step. More component libraries are coming soon.
  • Fixed several internal bugs.