XCUITest Example
Below is an example of getting started with XCUITests with both iOS frameworks:
import axe_devtools_ios_sample_app
import axeDevToolsUIKit
import XCTest
class HomeUITests: XCTestCase {
var axe: AxeDevTools?
var app = XCUIApplication()
override func setUp() {
axe = try? AxeDevTools.login(withUsername: "<DEQUE_USERNAME>", andPassword: "<DEQUE_PASSWORD>")
func testAccessibility() throws {
let FAB_ID = "com.deque.axeDevTools.accessibilityFab"
let fab = app.buttons[FAB_ID]
// Tap the FAB to send the scan to the server
// Once it returns, the result from the scan can be seen on the Dashboard.
// The FAB's label has the key needed to retrieve the scan from the server.
XCTAssert(fab.waitForExistence(timeout: 5))
// Grab the result from the server
guard let key = AxeDevToolsResultKey(fabTitle: fab.label), let result = try? axe?.getResult(key) else {
XCTFail("Could not retrieve scan from the server.")
//Fail the build if accessibility issues are found.
XCTAssertEqual(result.failures.count, 0)
import axeDevToolsXCUI
import XCTest
class AccessiblityXCUITest: XCTestCase {
var axe: AxeDevTools?
let app = XCUIApplication()
override func setUpWithError() throws {
continueAfterFailure = false
axe = try AxeDevTools.login(withUsername: "<DEQUE_USERNAME>", andPassword: "<DEQUE_PASSWORD>")
func testMainScreen() throws {
let result = try axe?.run(onElement: app)
//Fail the build if accessibility issues are found.
XCTAssertEqual(result?.failures.count, 0)