Data collection

Link to Data collection copied to clipboard

axe DevTools Extension

The information stored for axe DevTools Extension (Pro) users includes email, first/last name, company name, job role (developer/designer/etc) and the date in which they agreed to our Terms of Use. In addition, any saved issues are persisted in the database and tied to the user who performed the test in which the issues were raised. This issue data includes the source code, selector, and specific aria attributes of the HTML element with the accessibility issue as well as the URL in which the issue was found. When a test is saved, some basic metadata is capture which includes the browser/version, operating system, viewport width and viewport height. Less data is sent to Deque when the axe DevTools Extension is hosted locally on an on-premises server.

Issue Screenshots

When "Shared Issue Screenshots" is enabled in the axe DevTools Extension settings, screenshots of elements with accessibility violations will be captured. These screenshots will then appear on any issues a user decides to share via the "Share Issue" feature.


For enterprise customers, shared issues are only shared with other members of that enterprise. For non-enterprise customers, shared issues can be accessed by anyone with the link without having to log in.

Machine Learning Data

When "Machine Learning" (ML) is enabled in the axe DevTools Extension settings, Intelligent Guided Tests will become optimzed and more powerful by leveraging ML to automate things that are otherwise asked of users. To accomplish this, screenshots of the page being tested are taken and sent to our ML server to be processed. These screenshots are not publicly available to anyone and are only used to optimize Intelligent Guided Testing.

axe DevTools Browser Extension (free)

The free plan of the axe DevTools Browser extension does not collect any Personal Identifiable Information (PII).

The following analytics data is captured:

  • the users settings (WCAG level, axe-core version, highlight theme, and locale) are tracked with each event
  • an event is captured when the extension is first installed
  • an event is captured each time an instance of the devtools extension is opened
  • each time a free user scans, an event is captured containing:
    • number of axe-core passed rules
    • number of needs review issues
    • number of axe-core violations
    • number of inapplicable axe-core rules
    • the version of the extension running at the time of the scan
    • the version of axe-core selected at the time of the scan
  • an event is captured each time a free user views an issue
  • an event is captured each time a user clicks the "inspect" button
  • an event is captured each time a user toggles the highlight button
  • performance metrics are captured to track how long a given scan takes in milliseconds

Example event payload

    "device_id": "abc123",
    "user_id": null,
    "timestamp": 1688408399452,
    "event_id": 123,
    "session_id": 123456789,
    "event_type": "analysis:analyze",
    "version_name": null,
    "platform": "Web",
    "os_name": "Chrome",
    "os_version": "114",
    "device_model": "Mac",
    "device_manufacturer": null,
    "language": "en-US",
    "carrier": null,
    "api_properties": {},
    "event_properties": {
      "devInstance": false,
      "productName": "axe-devtools-html",
      "productComponent": "extension-chrome",
      "productComponentVersion": "4.58.3",
      "engineVersion": "4.7.0",
      "scoped": false,
      "target": "",
      "targetMedium": "text/html",
      "targetState": "Google",
      "experimental": false,
      "rulesetName": "wcag21aa",
      "bestPractices": false,
      "failedRuleCount": 6,
      "failedRuleNames": [
      "criticalIssueCount": 2,
      "seriousIssueCount": 7,
      "moderateIssueCount": 10,
      "minorIssueCount": 1,
      "failedItemCount": 20,
      "reRun": false,
      "eventTool": "axe-core",
      "passedRuleCount": 32,
      "incompleteRuleCount": 1,
      "inapplicableRuleCount": 55,
      "orientation": "vertical",
      "axeRunPerformance": 585,
      "screenshots": true
    "user_properties": {},
    "uuid": "<redacted>",
    "library": {
      "name": "amplitude-js",
      "version": "7.4.4"
    "sequence_number": 570,
    "groups": {},
    "group_properties": {},
    "user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36"
    "device_id": "abc123",
    "user_id": null,
    "timestamp": 1688408399452,
    "event_id": 383,
    "session_id": 123456789,
    "event_type": "$identify",
    "version_name": null,
    "platform": "Web",
    "os_name": "Chrome",
    "os_version": "114",
    "device_model": "Mac",
    "device_manufacturer": null,
    "language": "en-US",
    "carrier": null,
    "api_properties": {},
    "event_properties": {},
    "user_properties": {
      "$set": {
        "role": "Developer",
        "userStatus": "anonymous",
        "axeSettings": {
          "highlightTheme": "high-contrast",
          "theme": "browser",
          "locale": "default",
          "axeServerURL": "",
          "automaticColorContrastReview": "manual",
          "axeVersion": "latest",
          "disableNeedsReview": true,
          "enableAutomaticColorContrast": false,
          "enableBestPractices": false,
          "enableExperimentalRules": false,
          "enableMachineLearning": true,
          "enableScreenshots": true,
          "includeNeedsReviewInIssueCount": true,
          "ruleset": "wcag21aa"
        "policySettings": {},
        "firstView": {
          "seenColorContrastReview": false,
          "seenNeedsReviewOptionModal": false,
          "sentRecordSharedEvent": false
        "exportSchema": "devtools"
    "uuid": "abc123",
    "library": {
      "name": "amplitude-js",
      "version": "7.4.4"
    "sequence_number": 571,
    "groups": {},
    "group_properties": {},
    "user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36"