How to Update axe DevTools Mobile for Appium

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Stay up to date with the latest version for comprehensive accessibility testing for applications.

It's important to regularly update axe DevTools Mobile for Appium to ensure you have the latest rules and features. It does not automatically update, so be sure to periodically check for a new version. Releases are communicated via email and the release notes page.

If you are just getting started with axe DevTools Mobile for Appium, head over to the setup guide.

How to Check the Version You're Using

If you're using the axe XCUI or UIAutomator2 drivers locally, open a terminal window and type in appium driver list. This command lists the available drivers along with the version number. Example: - axexcuitest@1.0.0 [installed (npm)] indicates I've installed the 1.0.0 version.

If using the drivers in a continuous integration / deployment setting, check the scripts and change the version to install if desired.

If using the drivers with one of our Cloud Provider partners, please contact them to see about the current version installed and plans to update.

Update to the Latest Version

When using the axe XCUI or axe UIAutomator2 drivers locally, or if your CICD instance does not start fresh each time, you'll want to uninstall the current version, and install again to grab the latest version.

axe XCUITest Driver for iOS Testing


appium driver uninstall axexcuitest


appium driver install --source=npm @axe-devtools/axe-appium-xcuitest-driver

axe UIAutomator2 Driver for Android Testing


appium driver uninstall axeuiautomator2


appium driver install --source=npm @axe-devtools/axe-appium-uiautomator2-driver