How to Update axe DevTools Mobile for iOS

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It's important to regularly update axe DevTools Mobile for iOS to ensure you have the latest rules and features. It does not automatically update, so be sure to periodically check for a new version. We release updates about once per month and communicate the release via email and the release notes page.

How to Check the Version You're Using

In the Project Navigator pane, find the reference to axeDevToolsXCUI. It may be within a Frameworks folder, it may be under Package Dependencies if using Swift Package Manager.

  1. Right click on axeDevToolsXCUI and select Show in Finder from the menu.
  2. In the finder window, double click on axeDevToolsXCUI.xcframework to open.
  3. Double click on Info.plist.
  4. Review the value in Bundle version.

You can always review the latest versions available in Latest Downloads and get more insight on any changes from the Release Notes.

Update to the Latest Version

Updating to the latest version of the rule engine is quick and easy. To get started, you'll need to know if your project is setup to use axe DevTools Mobile through Swift Package Manager, or through direct download.


Am I Using Swift Package Manager or Direct Download? In the Project Navigator pane, find the reference to axeDevToolsXCUI.

  • If you find it within a Frameworks folder, you've probably installed by direct download or through a configuration with your company's own artifactory.
  • If you find the framework under Package Dependencies, it's been setup through Swift Package Manager.

Once you know how your project is setup, checkout the setup guide for details on Downloading & Embedding the framework.