axe DevTools Reporter CLI

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Generate stand alone reports from axe DevTools Mobile to share with your team - licensed user or not.

axe DevTools Reporter Command Line Interface (CLI) has taken the reporting power available in axe DevTools CLI and brought it into a lightweight, standalone reporting tool.

The Reporter CLI requires axe DevTools Mobile JSON files to build a report. JSON files can be obtained from two sources:

  1. Recommended for personal use: Exporting scans from the axe DevTools Mobile dashboard
  2. Recommended for CI/CD pipeline: Saving results locally within your automated test run

Already have the Reporter CLI installed? Checkout our subsequent guide to Generate Reports with CI/CD.

Already using the axe DevTools CLI?

axe DevTools CLI supports generating HTML reports from axe DevTools Mobile scans. Provide the CLI a directory that contains your mobile scans as JSON files.

Note: For more information on the tool, checkout the axe DevTools CLI documentation.

First Time Setup

Download through npm

axe DevTools Reporter CLI is available through Deque's Artifactory as an npm package. Follow our guide for setting up your npm registry to access axe DevTools Mobile.

Direct Download

Find your operating system in the subsections below. Once the axe DevTools Reporter CLI is downloaded from Deque's Artifactory, open the command line and navigate to the executable's location. Use the command below the download link to test the installation.


Administrator Mode
Depending on your machine's configuration, you may need to use administrator mode.

Enable Global Installation
Make axe DevTools Reporter CLI available globally from any directory by placing it in a directory in your system's $PATH. You can see which directories are in your system's $PATH by running `echo $PATH`.

Download v4.10.0

Your download should be an executable, you may need to execute chmod +x <name> in terminal to make it so on Mac or Linux machines.

On Windows

Test the installation with:

./reporter-cli-win.exe --help

On Linux

Test the installation with:

./reporter-cli-linux --help

On macOS

Test the installation with:

./reporter-cli-macos --help

Generating Reports

Once you gather axe DevTools Mobile scans as JSON files, you're ready to build a report. Ensure all the scans are in a directory, then run the following command to generate the HTML reports:

axe-devtools-reporter <devtools-results-directory> <output-directory> --format=html

Output directory is optional, and if not provided the reports will be stored in ./axe-devtools-reporter.

Filenames are derived from the scan name and the scan's analysis timestamp. ${scanName}-axe-result-${timestamp}.html


Be sure to checkout executive-report.html to view the combined results of all scans within the suite.

Output Format

In addition the HTML report, you may also export the data for CSV, or XML/JUnit.


axe-devtools-reporter <devtools-results-directory> <output-directory> --format=html


axe-devtools-reporter <devtools-results-directory> <output-directory> --format=junit


axe-devtools-reporter <devtools-results-directory> <output-directory> --format=csv