The Concept of "Favorite" Scans

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Axe Monitor provides the concept of marking scans as a Favorite. Marking a scan as a Favorite helps users manage the scans they are most interested in if they are members of many scans but only work in some of them. The default view of the your Scan page shows only Favorite Scans instead of the entire list.

IMPORTANT: In order for an axe Monitor scan to be accessed from within the axe DevToolsextension, it must be marked as a Favorite.

The Favorite status of a scan is indicated by a star next to the scan name on your Scan page. If the star is blue (also indicated by the off-screen word Favorite for screen readers) the scan is a favorite. If the star is black (also indicated by the off-screen words not a Favorite for screen readers) the scan is not a Favorite.

Favorite Scans

To verify or modify the Favorite status of a scan:

  1. Go to your Scan page to view a list of your scans. The Favorite scans appear first in the list. All scans not marked as Favorite appear after the Favorite scans in the selected sorted order.
  2. Next to the scan to be removed from the Favorite list, toggle the Favorite icon so the star is black. This moves the scan after the Favorite scans in the list.