Roles in axe Monitor®
User | Description |
System Admin | System admins have access to all scan groups and scans for their enterprise. They can:
To add a person as a system administrator, send a request to with the name and contact information of the person including their email address. |
Scan Admin/Scan Group Admin | A team from axe® Account can be assigned to a Scan or Scan Group as a Scan Admin/Scan Group Admin. This role allows them to edit settings, add teams, or delete the applicable scans or scan groups. |
Scan Member/ Scan Group Member: | A team from axe® Account can be assigned to a Scan or Scan Group as a Member. This role allows them to:
Scan Viewer. Scan Group Viewer | A team from axe® Account can be assigned to a Scan or Scan Group as a Viewer. This role allows them to: