Roles in axe Monitor®

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User Description
System Admin System admins have access to all scan groups and scans for their enterprise. They can:
  • Create, and modify Scan Groups and Scans on their axe Monitor®.
  • Create, and modify Teams in axe® Account.
  • Provide Teams with access to Scans & Scan Groups.
The number of system administrators for an enterprise should generally be limited to no more than three. Usually, one individual and an alternate may be designated with this role.

To add a person as a system administrator, send a request to with the name and contact information of the person including their email address.

Scan Admin/Scan Group Admin A team from axe® Account can be assigned to a Scan or Scan Group as a Scan Admin/Scan Group Admin. This role allows them to edit settings, add teams, or delete the applicable scans or scan groups.
Scan Member/ Scan Group Member: A team from axe® Account can be assigned to a Scan or Scan Group as a Member. This role allows them to:
  • Export results from a scan run.
  • Modify issues & pages in scan results.
  • Start a manual scan run.
Scan Viewer. Scan Group Viewer A team from axe® Account can be assigned to a Scan or Scan Group as a Viewer. This role allows them to:
  • Export results from a scan run.
  • Modify issues & pages in scan results.