This reference guide describes the APIs provided by the @axe-core/watcher package (also referred to as axe Watcher or just Watcher).
Configuration Functions
The configuration functions provided by Watcher allow you to modify your setup for the specified test framework as well as tailor how you want to run Watcher to suit your needs. See AxeConfiguration Interface for more information.
Test Framework | Configuration Function |
Cypress | cypressConfig |
Playwright | playwrightConfig |
Playwright Test | playwrightTest |
Puppeteer | puppeteerConfig |
WebdriverIO | wdioConfig |
WebdriverIO Testrunner | wdioTestRunner |
WebDriverJS | webdriverConfig |
Creates a configuration for Cypress.
cypressConfig(config: Cypress.ConfigOptions & Configuration): Cypress.ConfigOptions
cypressConfig Parameters
config: Cypress.ConfigOptions & Configuration
Intersection type of Cypress.ConfigOptions and Configuration.
Returns: Cypress.ConfigOptions
Creates a configuration for Playwright.
playwrightConfig(opts: Configuration & LaunchOptions): LaunchOptions
playwrightConfig Parameters
opts: Configuration & LaunchOptions
Intersection type of LaunchOptions and Configuration.
Returns: LaunchOptions
Creates a configuration for Playwright Test.
playwrightTest(options: Options): ReturnValue
playwrightTest Parameters
options: Options
Options is an intersection type of Configuration and LaunchOptions.
Returns: ReturnValue
Creates a configuration for Puppeteer.
puppeteerConfig(opts: Configuration & LaunchOptions & BrowserLaunchArgumentOptions & BrowserConnectOptions): Options
puppeteerConfig Parameters
opts: Configuration & LaunchOptions & BrowserLaunchArgumentOptions & BrowserConnectOptions
Intersection type of LaunchOptions, BrowserLaunchArgumentOptions, BrowserConnectOptions, and Configuration.
Returns: Options
Creates a WebdriverIO configuration.
wdioConfig({ axe, ...options}: Options): RemoteOptions
wdioConfig Parameters
arg: Options
Options is an intersection type of RemoteOptions and Configuration.
Returns: RemoteOptions
Creates a WebdriverIO Testrunner configuration.
wdioTestRunner(...params: unknown[]): Options.Testrunner
wdioTestRunner Parameters
params: unknown[]
The params value is one of:
- An array containing one value, which is an intersection type of Options.Testrunner and Configuration.
- An array where the first array value is an AxeConfiguration and the second value is an Options.Testrunner.
Returns: Options.Testrunner
Creates a Selenium WebDriver configuration.
webdriverConfig(arg: WebDriverArgs): Options
webdriverConfig Parameters
arg: WebDriverArgs
A Configuration extended to include a Selenium WebDriver Options member.
Returns: Options
Configuration Interface
The Configuration interface is used with the configuration functions and contains one property:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
axe | AxeConfiguration | yes | The AxeConfiguration to be passed to your test framework's configuration function. |
All of the configuration functions use this axe property to allow you to set up Watcher and configure your accessibility testing. See the next section, AxeConfiguration Interface, for more information.
AxeConfiguration Interface
The axe property (a parameter passed to the configuration functions) is the usual means of changing your AxeConfiguration for axe Watcher to configure accessibility testing. The following properties are contained in AxeConfiguration:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
apiKey | string | yes | Your project's API key secret. See apiKey below. |
autoAnalyze | boolean | no | Whether Watcher will run an accessibility analysis on your page automatically. Default value is true. |
buildID | string | no | Default value is null, which is recommended for single-process (non-parallelized) test runs. For test runs in parallel, all workers should have the same, non-null buildID string. See buildID below for more information. |
excludeUrlPatterns | string[] | no | Excludes URLs that match the specified minimatch patterns from being scanned. See excludeUrlPatterns below for more information. |
runContext | axe.ElementContext | no | Passed to axe-core. See runContext below for more information. |
runOptions | RunOptions | no | Passed to axe-core. See runOptions below for more information. |
serverURL | string | no | The Developer Hub server to send results. It's unlikely you'll need to change this value. |
sessionId | string | no | Deprecated. This instance's session ID. It's unlikely you'll need to change this value. |
The apiKey value is the only property that must be set in your AxeConfiguration. You can obtain its value from the Projects Page. See Managing Projects for more information.
Set this value to false to prevent pages from automatically being analyzed. For more information about manual mode, see Controlling When Page Analysis Occurs.
The optional buildID property, when not null, allows parallel test runners to generate results that appear as a single test run in axe Developer Hub. In the case of parallel test runs, each test runner should share the same non-null buildID string, which causes each test run to concatenate its results with existing results for the same buildID and Git commit SHA. However, when buildID is null, multiple test runs overwrite existing results that have the same Git commit SHA.
You can usually obtain a usable buildID value from your continuous integration provider. For example, you can use these values:
Available within GitHub workflows. See github context in the GitHub documentation for more information.
With CircleCI, the above value is available from your process's environment. See Built-in environment variables in the CircleCI documentation for more information.
Other continuous integration environment variables you can use for buildID:
Provider Environment variable Bitbucket BITBUCKET_BUILD_NUMBER GitLab CI_PIPELINE_ID Jenkins BUILD_NUMBER
(Optional) Prevents any URL that matches any of the minimatch patterns in the excludeUrlPatterns array from being analyzed.
axe: {
excludeUrlPatterns: [ 'https://***', '**' ]
You must start your pattern with http:// or https:// or star slash (*/) in order to match URLs. See the table below for examples.
URL | Pattern | Matches? |
---|---|---| | |
False | |
https://* |
True | | |
False | |
https://* |
False | |
https://*** |
False | |
https://*** |
True | |
https://** |
True | |
https://* |
False | |
** |
True | |
* |
False | |
*** |
False | |
*/** |
True | |
htt*/** |
True | |
h*/** |
True | |
https://*** |
True | |
https://*** |
True |
(Optional) Allows you to choose which elements are included and excluded from your page's accessibility analysis.
When you use runContext to select elements to include in your analysis (via a single CSS selector, an array of CSS selectors, or using the include property), axe Developer Hub analyzes only the elements selected by the CSS selectors. Therefore, if no elements are selected (due to a misspelling in a CSS class selector, for instance), nothing will be analyzed, and, more importantly, no page states will be captured.
The value of runContext can be:
A single CSS selector for elements to be included in the analysis:
axe: { runContext: '.main' }
An array of CSS selectors for elements to be included in the analysis:
axe: { runContext: [ '.main', '.text-block' ] }
A context object containing include and exclude properties (as shown in the above example). You can specify include or exclude or both. Each include or exclude can be a single CSS selector or an array of CSS selectors:
axe: { runContext: { include: '.main', exclude: '.ad-section' } }
More details are available in the axe-core Context documentation.
(Optional) The runOptions object allows the following subset of properties from the axe-core Options type:
ancestry: Default is false. If true, the CSS selectors returned include the returned elements' ancestor elements.
importantIf your page uses dynamic IDs or classes (element IDs or classes that change whenever the page is reloaded), you must specify ancestry as true so that axe Developer Hub can properly detect and track whether accessibility issues are duplicates because, by default, axe Developer Hub expects element IDs and classes to remain the same between test runs.
When ancestry is true, axe Developer Hub instead uses the element's position within the DOM tree to locate the same element between test runs.
The following shows an example of a selector when ancestry is false for an iframe element with an ID of main-iframe (<iframe id="main-iframe" ...>):
If ancestry is true, the selector would include the entire path from the root element, and there are no IDs or classes specified:
html > body > div:nth-child(20) > div:nth-child(1) > div > div > ul > li:nth-child(1) > div > span > iframe
runOnly: This lets you limit which rules are executed by specifying names or tags. See runOnly below for more information.
rules: Enable or disable rules using the enabled property. See rules below for more information.
The following shows an example of runOptions:
axe: {
runOptions: {
ancestry: true,
runOnly: {
type: 'tag',
values: 'wcag2a'
rules: {
'ruleId1': { enabled: false },
'ruleId2': { enabled: false }
The runOnly value (part of the runOptions object) can be one of the following:
A string representing the rule ID of the rule you'd like to use for accessibility analysis:
axe: { runOptions: { runOnly: 'ruleId' } }
An array of strings representing the rule IDs of the rules you'd like to use:
axe: { runOptions: { runOnly: [ 'ruleId1', 'ruleId2' ] } }
An object with type and values properties. The type value is a string that can be rules, rule, tag, or tags. The values property can be a string or an array of strings representing the rule or tags you'd like to use for accessibility analysis. The following example shows using the runOnly object to limit accessibility testing to rules tagged as wcag2a:
axe: { runOptions: { runOnly: { type: 'tag', values: 'wcag2a' } } }
- For more examples of runOnly usage (with axe-core), see Options Parameter Examples
- For more information about available tag values, see axe-core Tags.
- For information about the rules, rule IDs, and tags, see Rule Descriptions
The rules value (on the runOptions object) allows you to enable (enabled: true) or disable (enabled: false) specific rules during analysis, as shown below:
axe: {
runOptions: {
rules: {
'ruleId1': { enabled: false },
'ruleId2': { enabled: false }
The sessionId property has been deprecated and should not be used. See buildID above.
Controller Classes
The Controller abstract class is extended by all of the following classes to allow you to manually control the accessibility analysis of your website's pages.
Test Frameworks | Name |
Playwright and Playwright Test | PlaywrightController |
Puppeteer | PuppeteerController |
WebdriverIO and WebdriverIO Testrunner | WdioController |
WebDriverJS | WebdriverController |
For Cypress, the methods in the *Controller classes are implemented as custom commands. See Controller Custom Commands for Cypress for more information.
abstract class Controller
The Controller abstract class contains the methods for controlling page analysis. Each of the concrete classes extends this class, so the following methods are available in all of the concrete classes.
analyze(): Promise<void>
Analyzes the current page for accessibility errors. You call this method after you have set up a web page for analysis (such as entered values in a form) and have turned off automatic analysis using the stop method or by setting autoAnalyze to false.
analyze Returns
analyze Equivalent Cypress command
flush(): Promise<void>
Sends all of the results of the accessibility scan to axe Developer Hub. Should be called at the end of the test run to ensure the results have been sent to Deque's axe Developer Hub servers.
flush Returns
flush Equivalent Cypress command
start(): Promise<void>
Resumes auto-analysis of web pages. You call this method when you want to resume auto-analyzing web pages for accessibility errors.
start Returns
start Equivalent Cypress command
stop(): Promise<void>
Stops auto-analysis of web pages. After you call the stop method, you can do any additional setup your web page may require and then call the analyze method to check the page for accessibility errors.
stop Returns
stop Equivalent Cypress command
The PlaywrightController class allows you to manually control accessibility analysis for test runs with Playwright and Playwright Test. You can start and stop automatic accessibility analysis and analyze pages that require additional setup.
For more information about Playwright, see the Playwright Documentation.
new PlaywrightController(driver: Page): PlaywrightController
- driver: Page
The driver value is a Playwright Page object.
Returns PlaywrightController
See Controller for the methods implemented in the abstract base class.
The PuppeteerController class allows manual control of your testing runs with Puppeteer. Manual control allows you to provide additional setup required by more complex web pages.
For more information about Puppeteer, see Puppeteer.
new PuppeteerController(driver: Page): PuppeteerController
- driver: Page
The driver value is a Puppeteer Page object.
Returns PuppeteerController
See Controller for the methods implemented in the abstract base class.
The WdioController allows you to manually control WebdriverIO and WebdriverIO Testrunner test runs. For pages that require additional setup or configuration, you can stop automatic testing and manually analyze each page that requires such setup.
new WdioController(driver: Page): WdioController
- driver: Browser
Returns WdioController
See Controller for the methods implemented in the abstract base class.
new WebdriverController(driver: Page): WebdriverController
- driver: WebDriver
The driver value is a Selenium WebDriver object.
Returns WebdriverController
See Controller for the methods implemented in the abstract base class.
Cypress Custom Commands
In the Cypress browser automation platform, the methods in the *Controller classes are implemented as custom commands. See Custom Commands on the Cypress documentation site for more information about implementing and using custom commands.
The following custom commands are implemented. Each custom command returns Chainable<void> to allow chaining with other Cypress commands.
Controller Method | Equivalent Cypress Custom Command |
analyze() | axeWatcherAnalyze() |
flush() | axeWatcherFlush() |
start() | axeWatcherStart() |
stop() | axeWatcherStop() |
As of Watcher 3.9.0, the four Cypress custom commands axeAnalyze(), axeFlush(), axeStart(), and axeStop() have been deprecated and should not be used.
If you are using the @axe-devtools/cypress package with Watcher, you'll need to upgrade to at least at least version 3.9.0 of Watcher because the deprecated custom commands conflict with the custom commands in @axe-devtools/cypress.
Cypress Command Example
The following example shows how to import the axe Developer Hub's Cypress commands from the @axe-core/watcher package and then call the axeWatcherFlush command at the end of each test (by placing it inside afterEach()):
// Import the axe-watcher commands.
// Flush axe-watcher results after each test.
afterEach(() => {