Instructions for WebdriverIO and TypeScript

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Configuring your tests with WebdriverIO and TypeScript

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  1. In the root level of your testing folder, install the @axe-core/watcher package and all of its dependencies using npm or your preferred package manager (for example, Yarn or pnpm).

    npm install --save-dev @axe-core/watcher
  2. In your test files, import the wdioConfig(), the wrapWdio() function, and the WdioController class from @axe-core/watcher:

    import {
    } from '@axe-core/watcher'
  3. In your test setup code (typically in a before or beforeAll block), wrap any existing code for creating a browser instance with a call to wdioConfig(), while providing your API key:

    const API_KEY = process.env.API_KEY
    const browser = await remote(
        axe: {
          apiKey: API_KEY
  4. Once you have a browser instance, create an instance of the WdioController class:

    const controller = new WdioController(browser);
  5. Wrap your browser instance with the wrapWdio() function, providing the browser instance and the controller instance:

    wrapWdio(browser, controller)
  6. Finally, ensure all test results from axe Watcher are flushed out. To do this, add the following block of code to your test teardown code (typically in an afterEach block):

    afterEach(async () => {
      await controller.flush()