Create an axe Account

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A walkthrough for creating an axe Account

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This article shows you how to set up your axe Account. You will be prompted to create a new axe Account if you create a new project without an axe Account (as detailed in Get Started with axe Developer Hub).

1. Enter Your Information

When you don't have an axe Account or aren't signed in, you will see the signup page:

Image that shows Deque's axe Account creation page. You enter your name, organization, and password to create a new account.

Enter your name, email, company name, and password.

2. Confirm Your Email

You will be come to this page:

Shows the page that appears after you've created a new Deque account. The page asks you to check your email to verify your account.

Deque sends you an email with a confirmation link. Click the link in the email.

3. Agree to the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy

You are directed to this page to accept the terms of service and privacy policy:

Shows page where you accept the terms of service and privacy policy and by doing so, create your new axe Account.

Click on CREATE.

4. Continue Setting up Your Project

You now have an axe Account and will be redirected back so you can continue setting up your axe Developer Hub project. See Modify and Run Your Test Suite.