Manage Projects

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Managing your project allows you to edit and delete existing projects in axe Reports.

Note: For successful data import, ensure that your axe Monitor project is configured to send scan information to axe Reports.

axe Reports settings

Access axe Reports Settings

To manage your projects:

  1. Go to the Configure section on the left-hand corner of the screen and select Manage Projects.

    For axe Monitor Versions Earlier than 8.0:

    1. Select the Add New Projects button.
    2. In the modal that appears, select the project you want to include. The list will display all axe Monitor projects that you have access to.
    3. Once you've added the projects, data will become available in axe Reports after the scan is completed in axe Monitor.
  2. Once you see the data in the Manage Projects tab, you can now edit and delete projects.

    Manage Projects

Edit and Delete Projects

  • Edit Projects: Click the Edit Projects icon to open the Edit Projects modal. You can update the project's display name and save your changes.

    Edit Projects

  • Delete Projects: Click the Delete icon to remove a project. Be aware that deleting a project will also permanently delete all associated scan data. This action cannot be undone, so proceed with caution.

    Delete Project