Roles in axe Reports®

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Authorization Levels

Axe Reports features two distinct authorization levels that are specific to this product and do not affect access permissions in other Deque tools such as axe Monitor, axe Auditor, or axe DevTools.

User Role

Users assigned the "User" role can view outcome reports and charts. They have the ability to interact with, drill down, and roll up through the Dimensions within specific Projects or Scripts.

Access Based on Deque Products

  • axe Monitor

    • Users with an axe Monitor account have read-only access to outcome reports and charts. They can interact with data by drilling down into specific Projects and rolling up across different organizational levels.

    • Users can view detailed and consolidated data for Projects, which may roll up into different organizations.

      Note: There is no separate permissions structure in axe Reports.

All users with access to axe Monitor can see the report data configured for their Projects and organizations. All axe Monitor users have the "User" role by default.

  • axe Auditor

    • Users with an axe Auditor account have read-only access to outcome reports and charts. They can drill down into Test Case details and roll up through various Dimensions.
    • They can view detailed and consolidated data for Test Cases. Note: Like axe Monitor, axe Auditor users see all report data configured in their Test Cases, as there is no separate permissions structure in axe Reports.

All axe Auditor users have the "User" role by default.

  • axe DevTools for Web and Mobile

Users need to be explicitly added to axe Reports to gain access to data from axe DevTools for Web and Mobile (unless they have access through axe Monitor). To request access, users should contact

Administrator Role

Administrators have extended privileges beyond those of regular users. In addition to viewing reports and charts, Administrators can:

  • Edit axe Monitor Projects, axe Auditor Test Cases, and configure axe DevTools for Web Scripts to be included in executive reports.
  • Specify where these Projects, Test Cases, or Scripts appear in the organizational hierarchy by configuring Dimensions and Subdimensions.
  • Access and work with both Outcome and Usage Reports.

Administrators are set up during system deployment, but additional Administrators can be added later by submitting a request to