Clear an axe Expert Script

Link to Clear an axe Expert Script copied to clipboard

The axe Expert extension is officially retired. Read more about this on the axe Expert Replacement page. These pages will be taken down in July of 2024. Email with any questions or concerns.

Clear a script when you want to clear the event table in the right content pane of the Scripts panel to remove all of the event data rows. You might do this when the currently displayed script is no longer necessary, or when you want to either record or download a different script.

Caution: If you have not previously uploaded the script to axe Monitor, the script cannot be used again after clearing. You need to record the script again. For instructions about how to upload a script, see Upload a Script.

  • With a script currently loaded and displayed in the main content pane event table, click Clear on the left controls pane.

    Clicking the Clear button on the Scripting tab toolbar

    The Scripts content pane table is refreshed to display only the column headings, but no content rows, effectively clearing the script.

    The blank Scripting tab content pane table after the script has been cleared

At this point you can either start recording a new script, or download a script from axe Monitor.