Install axe DevTools for Web for Java from a Bundle

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Install axe DevTools for Web for Java from a downloadable bundle using Maven

Installing axe DevTools for Web as a bundle is the simplest way to add it to an existing software project. Bundles can be downloaded from this page or may be distributed directly by your Deque representative. For information on how to install from your artifact repository or Deque's artifact repository, read one of those articles.


This bundled package requires an existing Java web project to integrate with, as well as a Selenium WebDriver. Depending on your testing setup, your testing framework may still be required as an additional dependency.

Install With Maven

To add the bundle to your project via file location using maven, first add this repository object to the <repositories> object in your pom.xml file. Replace $path-to-file with the file path to the bundle in your local environment, replace $binding with either Selenium, Hamcrest, or Cucumber depending on your testing setup, and replace $version with your version.


Then, also in pom.xml, add the bundle as a dependency object under the <dependencies> object. Replace $binding with either Selenium, Hamcrest, or Cucumber depending on your testing setup, and replace $version with your version.


For some testing frameworks, you will have to add a dependency for the framework as well. As an example, JUnit is shown. Replace $version with your desired version of JUnit. For frameworks other than JUnit, see the testing framework's documentation.


In order to test whether maven is able to access and install these dependencies, run the command mvn install from the command line in the same directory as your pom.xml file.

Next Steps

Once axe DevTools has been successfully installed in your environment, read the guide on importing and initializing.


If issues installing the bundled package persist, contact your Deque representative directly, reach us via our support desk, or send us an email. We'll be happy to help.