Cucumber JavaScript
Testing using JavaScript, axe DevTools, and Cucumber
In order to test your content using Cucumber with axe DevTools, you first need it imported and initialized in your project.
If you haven't completed this step yet, please select one of the following to setup with Cucumber:
Cucumber with axe DevTools
Once you have selected an implementation to work with Cucumber, you can now create a reusable step that can be used in each of your features that will test your page level content or a component specifically.
This documentation shows the use with WebDriverJS integration, however this will work the same with WebdriverIO and Puppeteer.
Creating a Page Scan Step
To create a Cucumber step that scans the entire page for accessibility issues, create a Then function that takes a string for the pages name. Next, within the step, simply create a new instance of the axe DevTools driver of your choice and then call analyze().
The results from the scan can then be used with the axe DevTools reporter package and used for all reporting functionality. See Generating Reports from axe DevTools JSON Results for more information on axe DevTools reporting.
The following example shows the usage of a Then function:
Then('I check if {string} is axe clean', async pageName => {
const axeDriver = await new AxeDevtoolsWebdriverJS(driver, "wcag2");
const results = await axeDriver.analyze();
axeReporter.logTestResult(pageName, results);
assert.strictEqual(results.violations.length, 0);
The following example shows a Cucumber scenario with a Then step for testing accessibility:
Feature: abcdTech search
As a user, I want to search for computers on abcdTech.
Scenario: Searching for computers
Given I am on the abcdTech homepage
Then I audit "homepage" for accessibility issues
When I search for "computers"
Then I see the page title "Gefälscht~~~Gefälscht CompuTech~~~"
Then I check if "searchPage" is axe clean
Creating a Component Scan Step
To create a Cucumber step that scans only a portion of the page or a component for accessibility issues, create a Then function that takes a string for the components name and another string for the css selector. Next, within the step, simply create a new instance of the axe DevTools driver of your choice and then call analyze().
The results from the scan can then be used with the axe DevTools reporter package and used for all reporting functionality. See Generating Reports from axe DevTools JSON Results for more information on axe DevTools reporting.
The following example shows how to use Then with a selector to scan part of a page:
Then('I check if {string} is axe clean with selector {string}', async (pageName, selector) => {
const axeDriver = await new AxeDevtoolsWebdriverJS(driver, "wcag2");
const results = await axeDriver.include(selector).analyze();
axeReporter.logTestResult(pageName, results);
assert.strictEqual(results.violations.length, 0);
This example shows how to use the Then step with a scenario that only scans part of a page:
Feature: abcdTech cart flow
As a user, I want to find a computer and add it to cart
Scenario: Selecting a new computer and adding to cart
Given I am on the abcdTech laptops page
Then I audit "laptops" for accessibility issues
When I click on more details
Then I see the proper page title "Gefälscht~~~Gefälscht CompuTech~~~"
Then I audit "mainContent" for accessibility issues with selector "#container"
Now that you've successfully completed an accessibility scan, you're ready to move on to more advanced scanning topics like generating reports and using the results object.
If you have trouble with getting scan results, contact your Deque representative directly, reach us via our support desk, or send us an email. We'll be happy to help.
For more information about axe DevTools in general, see the axe DevTools welcome page