Table Intelligent Guided Test

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Testing data tables for accessibility issues can be difficult. The Table IGT asks a series of simple questions to find any potential accessiblity issues with your tables.


The Table IGT does not currently support ARIA grids and tables (role="grid" and role="table").

How it works

The first thing you will have to do is put the page in the state you want to test. After that a few simple questions will guide you through completion of accessibility tests that determine whether the table you want to test is marked up correctly for accessibility.

Step 1: Select Table

All tables found on the page (or within selected element) will be highlighted. Select the table you’d like to test, or choose to select one using the "I’d like to select a different table" option.

If no tables were found you will be asked to select the table element that you’d like to test.

Step 2: Headers/Data

Now that you have selected a table to test, you will be asked to identify which "type" of table you are testing. The table's header cells will dictate which type the table is. The available options are:

  • A table with 1 row of headers
  • A table with 1 column of headers
  • A table with 1 header row and 1 header column
  • A table with irregular headers. A table can have irregular headers when the header cells are associated with specific ranges of cells rather than an entire row or column.
  • A table with multi-level headers. Multi-level headers are used on complex tables in which the headers can't be associated in a vertical or horizontal way.
  • This is not a data table

Once the type of table is identified, if needed, you will be asked a series of questions regarding the table's data and header cells. During this step, any missing header cells will be identified as well as any cells which act like headers but are not marked up properly.


AI will attempt to identify any missing header elements automatically. This means that any elements the AI detects as headers for a given data cell that are not properly marked up as headers will be preselected for you!

What it tests for

  • Layout tables lacking expected roles
  • Data tables lacking expected roles
  • Improper and/or missing table headers