Python API Overview

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Axe DevTools Python includes:

  • axe-core version 4
  • Python 3 support (does not support python 2)
  • unittest, robot framework, behave based testing setups, as well as any other framework that uses asserts


Axe DevTools requires a Selenium WebDriver binding for a browser of your choice. To use axe DevTools, you must first install and configure Selenium WebDriver.


Axe DevTools is made up of multiple parts. The core package is axe-devtools-api, which provides the logic for configuring and running axe. axe-devtools-selenium is used to allow axe-devtools-api to actually communicate with browsers.

There are three integrations with testing frameworks.

axe-devtools-unittest is a thin assertion library for unittest that sits on top of axe-devtools-api. When using this integration you must declare axe-devtools-api as a dependency and use it directly.

axe-devtools-robot integrates axe DevTools with the Robot Framework. axe-devtools-api and axe-devtools-selenium are brought in automatically as dependencies. However, you will not interact with either. Instead the integration will make use of your .robot file to operate axe.

axe-devtools-behave integrates axe DevTools with behave, a cucumber-like testing framework. axe-devtools-api and axe-devtools-selenium are brought in automatically as dependencies. However, you will not interact with either. Instead the integration will make use of your .feature file to operate axe.