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Configuring your Artifactory repository to connect to Deque’s Agora artifact repository

Follow these steps when you want to connect to Deque’s Agora artifact repository from your Artifactory instance. Setting up this authenticated remote repository within Artifactory allows your users to access axe DevTools components through your own software distribution network.


You must have Agora login credentials as well as admin credentials to your Artifactory instance to configure this repository connection.

Accessing Agora API Key

To begin, sign into Agora, click the welcome button in the top right corner to take you to the profile page. Here you can copy your API key.

Connecting to Agora

  1. Sign into your Artifactory Repository Manager with your admin credentials.
  2. Go to Admin by selecting it in the Left Navigation Menu
  3. Select “Remote” under “Repositories” to display the remote repositories page.
  4. Select “Create New” in the upper right of the Remote Repositories page.
  5. The page should display a listing of package types
  6. Select your package type (e.g. npm)
  7. The create repository: page should display a form (see above example of an npm repository).
    1. Enter a unique value (e.g. dequecloud) into the “Repository Key” field
    2. Enter the URL to the Agora registry (see below)
    3. Select the appropriate layouts (defaults should work for each repository type)
  8. Click the “Test” button to test the connection
  9. Click “Save and Finish”
  10. If you want users to use this repository by default you will have to include it in any of your virtual registries

Agora Registry URLs