About axe DevTools for Web APIs

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Introduction to the axe DevTools for Web APIs for Node.js and JavaScript, C#, Java, Python, and Ruby.

Deque offers API bindings for web development and scripting languages including Node.js and JavaScript, C#, Java, Python, and Ruby. These APIs allow you to scan your websites for accessibility defects as part of your existing automated testing runs or continuous integration (CI) builds.

Getting Started

See Axe DevTools for Web Examples for a catalog of pre-written example projects on GitHub that demonstrate how to use the APIs. You can clone these projects to start with a working example immediately. Check each project's README.md for step-by-step instructions to get started.

API Documentation

Axe DevTools for Web provides a variety of language and framework support, and the following links provide documentation:

Fundamentals for New Deque Developers

If you're new to using the axe DevTools for Web APIs, there are a few topics that you might want to become familiar with before starting.


To obtain the Deque's libraries and packages, you have several options. See the following topics for more information about installation:

Accessibility Training

See Deque University for more information and training about accessibility and accessibility standards. Learning about accessibility will help you address accessibility issues earlier in the software development life cycle when it is more economical to fix them.


Axe-core is the open-source library that is the foundation for all of the axe DevTools for Web packages and libraries. You can read more about axe-core in the Axe-core GitHub repository.


Deque's API packages (except for the Node.js Reporter packages) do not strictly follow Semantic Versioning rules. The packages lock their major and minor version numbers to the major and minor versions of their axe-core dependency with only the patch version possibly differing. (For example, if the API version is 4.7.2, then the axe-core version used by the package will be 4.7.x.) The difference from Semantic Versioning is that the patch version of a package may include not only bug fixes but also new API features. (The patch version will not, however, introduce breaking changes.)