Testing pages with CLI
There are a variety of options available when to test individual pages.
When using the URI input mode, a number of additional options are available to adjust the scope and ruleset of a test. For example, the following code will exclude the header and footer from a test, and has the color-contrast rule disabled:
axe http://example.com --exclude footer,header --disable color-contrast
-i, --include <list>
CSS selector of included elements, comma separated
-e, --exclude <list>
CSS selector of excluded elements, comma separated
-a, --axe-source <path>
Path to axe.js file
-c, --custom
specify custom ruleset to use, overrides ruleset
-t, --tags <list>
Tags of rules to run, comma separated
--rules <list>
IDs of rules to run, comma separated
-l, --disable <list>
IDs of rules to disable, comma separated
-s, --save [filename]
Save the output as a JSON file. Filename is optional'
-d, --dir <path>
Output directory
-j, --stdout
Output results to STDOUT and silence all other output
-r, --report <output-dir>
generate a report
-f, --format <value>
specify report type(s) [html|junit|csv|html+junit+csv]
--filter [type(s)]
Provide a list of result types to filter from results: passes, violations, incomplete, inapplicable. (--format csv required)
axe reporter ./axe-reports/json/ --format=csv --filter passes,inapplicable
-q, --exit
Exit with 1
failure code if any a11y tests fail
--load-delay <n>
Set how much time (milliseconds) axe will wait after page load before running the audit (default: 0)
Log the time it takes to run
Display the full error stack
Turn the CLI reporter off
--chrome-options [options]
Options to provide to headless Chrome
-v, --verbose
Output metadata like test tool name, version and environment
--chromedriver-path <path>
Absolute path to the desired chromedriver executable
Configuration flags
For more options, see configuration flags