axe-devtools-robot API Reference

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This library allows axe DevTools to test for accessibility using robot.


First, import the library in the settings section

*** Settings ***
Library  axe_devtools_robot.AxeRobot

AxeRobot extends the SeleniumLibrary robot package, so all methods available to SeleniumLibrary are available to AxeRobot.

The following keywords are provided:

def analyze(self):
    """Run axe on the page. Fail the test if there are any violations."""
def audit_for_accessibility(self):
    """Run axe on the page. Save the results to `axe-reports directory`. Never fails."
def within(self, *selectors):
    """Specify part of the page to run axe on

        selector: List of CSS selectors for elements
def excluding(self, *selectors):
    """Specify part of the page to exclude when runing axe.

        selector: List of CSS selectors for elements
def according_to(self, *tags):
    """Specify rules (by tag) to use when running axe.

    List of tags here:

        tags: List of tags of rules
def according_to_ruleset(self, ruleset, enable_best_practices = False):
    """Use a specific ruleset (i.e. wcag2.1, 508)

        ruleset_id: id of the ruleset to use
        enable_best_practices: Whether or not to turn on rules tagged `best-practice`. Default off
def checking_only(self, *rules):
    """Specify rules (by id) to use when running axe.

    List of rules available here:

        rules: List of ids of rules
def skipping(self, *rules):
    """Disable some rules when running axe.

    List of rules available here:

        rules: List of ids of rules

On the use of 'id' CSS selectors

Robot Framework treats the # character as special. Unless you escape your #s, Robot will interperet the rest of the line as a comment.

In practice this means you will have to use \# instead of just #.

See Robot documentation for more details.