Configuring axe DevTools for Web CLI

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Information about command-line options for the CLI

Axe DevTools for Web CLI can be configured with command-line flags or from a selenium-config file.

CLI Flags

The following CLI flags are available both when testing a workflow spec, and when testing pages. They will persist between runs of the axe DevTools for Web CLI as they modify the configuration.


Command-line help is all available through the CLI itself by running the command axe --help

Browser Selection Flag

This flag selects which browser to run. The selenium webdriver binding for the browser is required.

axe <url-or-spec-file> --browser=chrome

Headless Browser Mode

This flag sets the browser to launch in headless mode, meaning the browser is not displayed to the screen.

axe <url-or-spec-file> --headless

Window Size Control

This flag allows specification of the window size in pixels by width & height. The flag also controls the virtual window size in headless mode.

axe <url-or-spec-file> --window-size=<600,800>

Accept Untrusted SSL Certificates

This flag allows accepting untrusted SSL certificates

axe <url-or-spec-file> --accept-untrusted

Select a Remote Server

This flag allows the usage of a remote server such as BrowserStack or Sauce Labs

axe <url-or-spec-file> --remote-server <server-url>

Configure Page Load Timeout

This flag allows configuration of the page load timeout attribute. Default is 60,000 ms.

axe <url-or-spec-file> --page-timeout 60000

Configure Script Run Timeout

This flag allows the configuration of the max time allowed for a spec file to run. Default is 60,000 ms.

axe <url-or-spec-file> --script-timeout 60000

Configure Post Get pause

This flag allows the configuration of the period of time between getting a webpage and starting the scan. Default is 2000 ms.

axe <url-or-spec-file> --post-get-pause 2000

Configure Post Script Pause

This flag allows the configuration of the period of time between a scripting action and starting the scan. Default is 2000 ms.

axe <url-or-spec-file> --post-script-pause 2000

Configure Post Analyze Pause--post-analyze-pause [post-analyze-pause]

This flag allows the configuration of the period of time between starting a page analysis and moving on to the next action. Default is 2000 ms.

axe <url-or-spec-file> --post-analyze-pause 2000

--enable-tracking <state>

Enable data to be sent to the metrics library

--set-distinct-id <distinct-id>

Change the value of the distinct id being stored/used

--set-tracking-url <url>

Change the url where the metrics data is being sent to


As an alternative to using the above configuration flags, you can set the defaults of axe DevTools CLI with axe config-selenium. You will be asked a number of questions, the results of which will be saved in a preferences configuration file. Some attributes are selectable with the arrow keys, and others are manually entered.

$ axe config-selenium
? Choose browser for running automated tests: (Use arrow keys)
? Choose browser for running automated tests: chrome
? Enter a value for pageLoadTimeout: 60000
? Enter a value for setScriptTimeout: 60000
? Accept untrusted ssl certs: Yes
? Enter a value for postGetPause: 2000
? Enter a value for postScriptPause: 2000
? Enter a value for postAnalysisPause: 2000
? Launch browser in headless mode: No

Results saved to ~/.config/preferences/com.deque.axe.devtools.cli.pref