Write Cucumber Tests
Using Cucumber with axe DevTools
In order to write accessibility tests and produce results, you must have already created a test file with axe DevTools and your choice of Selenium WebDriver pre-imported & pre-initialized. If you haven't done this yet, read this guide on how to do so.
First, add axe DevTools to your configuration
public class AppConfiguration {
public static AxeWorld axeWorld() {
return new AxeWorld();
Now, add the required steps for using axe DevTools
public class StepDefinitions {
private AxeWorld axeWorld;
public StepDefinitions(AxeWorld axeWorld) {
this.axeWorld = axeWorld;
private WebDriver webDriver;
public void setup() throws IOException {
webDriver = new ChromeDriver();
axeWorld.setPage(new AxeDriver(webDriver));
public void tearDown() throws Exception {
@When("^I visit \"([^\"]*)\"$")
public void iVisit(String url) throws Throwable {
Writing Tests
Before you can test a page, you need to access it. The first step is to instantiate Selenium WebDriver and access a page
WebDriver webDriver = new ChromeDriver();
Then, you can create an axe DevTools scan driver object and pass in the WebDriver
AxeDriver axeDriver = new AxeDriver(webDriver);
Finally, include the axeDriver in your step definitions
// Inject AxeWorld into your step definitions.
public StepDefinitions(AxeWorld axeWorld) {
this.axeWorld = axeWorld;
// Provide the page to the Axe World
axeWorld.setPage(new axeDriver(webDriver));
You can then test the page for accessibility. Currently, axe DevTools supports Pico and Spring testing through Cucumber.
Accessibility Cucumber Steps
The example accessibility checks below use Then the page should be axe clean
, but all checks work interchangeably with Then the page should be audited for accessibility
. The difference between these two is whether testing will fail on accessibility violations with Then the page should be axe clean
, versus not fail with Then the page should be audited for accessibility
To construct an axe accessibility Cucumber step, begin with the base step, and append any clauses necessary. All of the following clauses may be mixed and matched; however, they must appear in the specified order:
Then the page should be axe clean [including] [excluding] [according-to] [checking-rules/checking-only-rules] [skipping-rules]
Base Step
The base step is the core component of the Cucumber step. It is a complete step on its own and verifies the currently loaded page is accessible. It performs an audit on the accessibility of your page. The audit logs accessibility issues to target/axe-report/accessibility-check.log and creates JSON output of the results at target/axe-report/accessibility-check.json.
Then the page should be axe clean
This step will cause test suite failures if accessibility violations are found
Then the page should be audited for accessibility
This step will require handling of violations outside of test suite failures, as this step does not trigger the suite to fail if violations are found.
Axe DevTools allows for accessibility scans to be scoped inclusively and exclusively. Additionally, these scopes can work within each other to create complex enclaves and exclaves of scoping. These scopes work off of CSS selectors.
Inclusion Clause
The inclusion clause within "#selector"
specifies which elements to check on the page. Only elements within the selected scope will be scanned. The inclusion clause must include a valid CSS selector surrounded in double quotes. Use compound selectors to select multiple elements. E.g. within "#header, .footer"
Then the page should be axe clean within "#selector"
Exclusion Clause
The exclusion clause excluding "#selector"
specifies which elements to ignore. No elements within the selected scope will be scanned. The exclusion clause must include a valid CSS selector surrounded in double quotes. Use compound selectors to select multiple elements. E.g. excluding "#widget, .ad"
Then the page should be axe clean excluding "#selector"
Chaining inclusion and exclusion
In order to chain inclusion and exclusion clauses, Use the semicolon (;) or the word but to separate them.
Then the page should be axe clean within "main"; excluding "aside"
Then the page should be axe clean within "main" but excluding "aside"
Rule configuration
There are a few ways to change your standard rule configuration using the Cucumber API. You can select rules by group through the use of tags, or select rules individually by their rule ID.
Rule Tag Clause
The tag clause specifies which accessibility standard (or standards) to use in the page check. Specify the accessibility standards by name (tag). Multiple standards can be specified when comma-separated. E.g. according to: wcag2a, section508
All of the tag names are documented in addition to a complete list of rule descriptions that correspond to each tag.
Then the page should be axe clean according to: best-practice
Check Additional Rules Clause
This clause allows you to append additional rules onto your existing rules. You can specify a single rule by rule ID, or a list of rules separated by commas. See the rules documentation for a list of the rules and their rule IDs. Use a semicolon (;) or the word and
to separate the checking-rules clause from any preceding clause(s).
Then the page should be axe clean checking: color-contrast
Then the page should be axe clean according to: wcag2a; checking: color-contrast
Then the page should be axe clean according to: wcag2a and checking: color-contrast
Checking Only Specified Rules Clause
By adding the word only
to the checking-rules clause, you can change the meaning of the step. As previously described, the checking-rules clause specifies additional rules to run. Only specified rules are checked if the word only
is used. See the rules documentation for a list of the rules and their rule IDs. Use a semicolon (;) or the word and
to separate the checking-rules clause from any preceding clause(s).
Then the page should be axe clean checking only: color-contrast
Skipping Rules Clause
The skipping-rules clause specifies which rules to skip from the existing rule configuration. Rules to be skipped are specified by comma-separated rule IDs. See the rules documentation for a list of the rules and their rule IDs. Use a semicolon (;) or the word and
to separate the checking-rules clause from any preceeding clause(s).
Then the page should be axe clean skipping: color-contrast
Then the page should be axe clean according to: wcag2a; skipping: color-contrast
Then the page should be axe clean according to: wcag2a but skipping: color-contrast
Ruleset Selection Clause
Access tagged rulesets in the axeDriver through a Cucumber clause. This functionality enables you to specify a ruleset (Eg: 508, wcag2, wcag2.1) to audit page accessibility.
Then the page should be axe clean according to ruleset: wcag2.1
Usage Service
Gain insight into axe DevTools usage trends within your organization
By default the usage-service is disabled and the default url is https://usage.deque.com
Environment variables
This method allows users to change specific values of the usage service via environment variables
Environment Variable | Type | Description |
AXE_IS_LOGGED_IN | Boolean | Whether the user is logged in to the app under test |
AXE_KEYCLOAK_ID | String | The keycloak id of the logged in user |
AXE_USER_ID | String | The name of the user running the test |
AXE_SESSION_ID | String | Description of the test session |
AXE_USER_STATUS | String | The status of the user |
AXE_USER_JOB_ROLE | String | The title/role of the individual performing the test |
AXE_DISTINCT_ID | String | An individual user's distinct ID |
AXE_IS_DEV_INSTANCE | Boolean | Whether the app under test is in a dev instance |
AXE_ORGANIZATION | String | The user's organization - organizing data on a company wide scale |
AXE_APPLICATION | String | The name of the application under test |
AXE_METRICS_URL | String | The URL to which usage data is sent |
AXE_TRACK_USAGE | Boolean | Whether or not usage data is being captured |
Next Steps
For further use of your axe DevTools scan results, like reporting, see the axe DevTools Java Selenium package documentation
If you experience issues setting up your accessibility testing, contact your Deque representative directly, reach us via our support desk, or send us an email. We're happy to help get your accessibility testing efforts off the ground.