axe DevTools for Web Configuration for C#

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Configuration information and sample code for axe DevTools for Web for C#

This article describes how to configure axe DevTools for Web for C#.

Step 1: Declare the Selenium driver to use while running tests in the C# setup.

public void Setup()
  driver = new ChromeDriver();

Step 2: Specify portions of the page to include or exclude from testing.

* TestCase: uses axe.Analyze() to scan the certain content on the page.
public void IncludingAndExcludingElements()
  var axe = new AxeSelenium(driver).Excluding("#header").Including("#homecontent");
  var results = axe.Analyze();
  Assert.That(results.Findings.Violations.Count, Is.EqualTo(0));

Step 3: Axe DevTools C# packages a version of the axe-core JavaScript library. Alternatively, provide your own copy through configuration.


The axe-core library expects your audit suite to be located in your project at: /config/axe-ruleset.json. Alternatively, you can specify the location by setting the AXE_RULESET_PATH environment variable, directly in configuration.

Step 4: Define rulesets or specific rules for a single accessibility check or for the entire test suite.

 * TestCase: uses axe.Analyze() to scan the page
 * with specific ruleset, in this case 508
public void AccessibilityAnalyzeWith508Ruleset()
 var axe = new AxeSelenium(driver).WithRuleset("508");
  var results = axe.Analyze();
  AxeReporting.CreateResultsOutput(results, "508-rules");
  Assert.That(results.Findings.Violations.Count, Is.EqualTo(0));

 * TestCase: uses axe.Analyze() to scan the page
 * with only the specified rules.
public void AccessibilityAnalyzeWithSpecificRules()
  var axe = new AxeSelenium(driver).WithRules("heading-order", "link-name");
  var results = axe.Analyze();
  AxeReporting.CreateResultsOutput(results, "specific-rules");
  Assert.That(results.Findings.Violations.Count, Is.EqualTo(0));

See Custom Rulesets for general information about Writing Rules, Rules, Checks, and Results, and Rule Descriptions.