Remaining Testing

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After you are done with automated testing and interactive testing using the Intelligent Guided Tests (IGTs), the "Remaining Testing" gives you a checklist of what remains to be tested manually to achieve WCAG 2.1 Level A and Level AA conformance. We will continue to shrink this checklist of what remains to be tested manually as we add coverage in our Intelligent Guided Tests.

To get the checklist, click on "Remaining Testing" within the Guided Tests panel.

The Advanced Testing Coverage guide can be performed by someone on your team with WCAG and Assistive Technology knowledge.

The Guide has three tabs:

  1. Site Tests: these are tests that need to be performed just once per application or website.
  2. Page Tests: these tests are tests that need only be performed once per page and not for every page state.
  3. Page State Tests: tests contained within this tab must be performed once per page state if there are multiple states for the page under test.

The Guide also contains an index for easy navigation to individual tests within each tab.

Each test in the guide walks through the steps needed to determine WCAG compliance in simple terms. As you follow the steps in each test, at the appropriate decision points, you will be able to copy the issue description and details by clicking on the WCAG rule cited next to the step.

Site Tests

Site tests consist of 2 tests:

  1. Consistency - this test looks for consistency of navigation elements, links, form labels and components across pages in a site. The rationale for these tests are that a lack of consistency across pages in the same site are confusing and require a lot of additional re-learning.
  2. Session Timeout - this test walks through the checks if a session timeout exists on your site.

Page Tests

Page tests consist of 3 tests:

  1. Interruption on Page Load - tests to see if the page, without user interaction, loads or changes content such as autoplaying multi-media.
  2. Multiple ways - tests to see if a page that is a part of a multi-step process provides more than one way (at least 2) of navigation through the multiple parts such as a next button and clicking on the step in a breadcrumb.
  3. Orientation - tests to see if all content and functionality of your web page is preserved when using landscape and portrait orientations on a mobile device.

Page State Tests

The Page State tests consist of 15 tests:

  1. Automatic Behavior - tests for content that updates automatically or moving/blinking/scrolling content and flashes that can cause photometric epileptic seizures.
  2. Page Meaning - tests for correct reading order of all static content and whether hidden content is inadvertenly not removed from reading order.
  3. Page Structure - tests for proper ordering of headings and/or use of landmarks. It also tests for proper identification of navigational elements.
  4. Interactive Elements - tests for proper focus order, actions caused by focus being received by an element that are not initiated by the user, comparing visible text and accessible names for mismatches, and mouse and keyboard interactions, and finally color contrast of focused elements.
  5. Static Content - tests for color contrast for cases where automation cannot be used, image maps, and information that is hidden that should not be hidden (actually adds meaning).
  6. Sensory Characteristics - tests for use of color, shape, size etc. to convey meaning.
  7. Forms - tests for form fields collecting personal information and modals containing forms.
  8. Focus Management - tests for focus management when activating a component results in a transition of the page to a new state.
  9. Text Resize, Reflow, and Spacing - tests for scrolling, text spacing and loss of content or functionality when content is resized (zoomed).
  10. Status Messages - tests for announcement of any and all status messages.
  11. Alternatives for Timed Media - tests for existence of transcripts, audio descriptions and captions when pre-recorded audio/video is present on the page.
  12. Tables - tests for proper markup of data tables.
  13. Time Limits - tests for pages that impose time limits and the ability to extend the time limits.
  14. Shortcuts - tests for shortcuts conflicting with OS or browser shortcuts if shortcuts exist in the page under test.
  15. Motion and Gestures - tests for issues when a page uses path-based gestures, multipoint gestures, device motion or user motion as input.