Download Issues from axe Monitor

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The axe Expert extension is officially retired. Read more about this on the axe Expert Replacement page. These pages will be taken down in July of 2024. Email with any questions or concerns.

When you have an axe Monitor project in which some of its accessibility issues pertain the specific page of a site currently loaded in the browser, you can download saved issues to the Analyze panel in the axe Expert Extension.

Before you begin, the Analyze panel must be blank (clear of rule violation results from any previous analysis of the page under test).

  1. Open and load the desired page in the browser.

  2. Log in to axe Monitor.

  3. Verify that axe Monitor contains labeled issues for the loaded page in projects to which you have access.

For more information, see Sign In to axe Monitor. Additionally, your browser must not be in incognito or private mode.

  1. Select Download in the content analysis context menu.

    Clicking Download link in Analyze context menu

    The Download Issues from axe Monitor pane displays to the right of the Analyze panel, displaying two drop-down menu fields (Label and Assigned to) with a DOWNLOAD ISSUES button.

  2. In the Download Issues link on the axe Monitor Settings pane, select down arrow and then select an item from the Label and Assigned to drop-down menus.

    Each menu expands and displays a list of available issues to which you have access that you may select.

    The list of available issues corresponds to those associated with Projects marked as Favorite in axe Monitor. Hover your mouse over the desired project to highlight it, then click on the item in the list to select it, which closes the menu list and populates the field with your selection.

  3. Activate DOWNLOAD ISSUES.

    Alternately, you may complete the previous tasks in the Download Issues section of the Settings panel after signing in to axe Monitor:

    Selecting a Label and Assigned To menu items and clicking the DOWNLOAD ISSUES button from the Settings panel after signing in to axe Monitor

    The issues are downloaded and imported into the axe Expert Extension Rule violation results pane, with the section in the lower left pane displaying violated rules and number of related violations. The right content pane shows the details of the first single violation of the first selected rule. Additionally, the total number of issues for all rules relevant to the page display above the Rule violation results list, along with a total count of those in need of manual review.

    These may include custom rules that are not a part of the standard axe Expert Extension rulesets.

    Clicking Download after project selection