Edit an axe Expert Script

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The axe Expert extension is officially retired. Read more about this on the axe Expert Replacement page. These pages will be taken down in July of 2024. Email helpdesk@deque.com with any questions or concerns.

Edit script events when you want to modify any of the fields of information associated with previously recorded script events (for example, Timing, which would be the number of milliseconds required for a particular event to complete so that it takes more or less time than the original recording when subsequently played again). Additionally, the target (XPATH) of an event is editable.

XPath Reference

For more information about XPATH expressions, refer to W3 XML Path Language (XPath) 3.1opens in a new window.

Edit a script event

  1. With a script currently displayed in the content pane event table of the Scripts panel, click the context menu button in the Actions column within the desired event row and select Edit from that menu.

    Clicking the Edit button in the Actions column for the event row where you want to change the timing.

    The Edit Script Step pane replaces the event table in the right content pane of the Scripts panel, displaying editable fields of information associated with the event script step. Depending on the type of event you selected, the editable fields will differ.

  2. In the desired field(s), change the existing content value(s) as desired (for example, for a LoadURL type of event, in the Event Timing field, modify the existing amount of milliseconds by either increasing the numeric value to add time to complete or decrease the value to reduce the amount of time required to complete the event).

  3. Scroll to the bottom of the editable fields and click SAVE.

    Changing the Timing field value, then clicking the Save button

    The Edit Script Step pane is replaced by the event table, and if the value you changed is one of the events displayed as a column within the table, it will reflect the new value (for example, the Timing column value changed to the number you specified).

    example of the Timing field becomes read-only again and reflects the changed value

    You are now able to re-run (play) the script and the change you made will be reflected accordingly for the event step.

    The fields of information that are editable on the Edit Script Step pane of the Scripts panel will differ depending on the type of script event selected, as will the number of editable fields.

    Timing field becomes read-only again and reflects the changed value

A logical next step after you've edited an event step in a script would be to upload it to replace the old script in axe Monitor. For complete details, see Upload a Script.

Delete a script event

Delete a script event whenever you want to eliminate an event from a script. Deleting a script event removes the event from the Scripts panel event table.

Before you begin: Events cannot be restored to a script after deletion.

  1. Within the table row of the event you want to remove, click context menu (ellipses) in the Actions column.

  2. In the Actions column context menu, click Delete.

    Clicking the Delete link item on the Actions column context menu within an event row

    The event row is removed from the table in the content pane of the Scripting tab, and will no longer be included when you play the script again.

    Example of the row having been removed and the next event shifted up in the event table

Related Topic: You can control which types of events are recorded by selecting options on the Settings panel. For more information, see Select Event Recording Options.