Event Recording Options

Link to Event Recording Options copied to clipboard

The axe Expert extension is officially retired. Read more about this on the axe Expert Replacement page. These pages will be taken down in July of 2024. Email helpdesk@deque.com with any questions or concerns.

The Scripts selection in the main drop-down menu displays the Start Recording button in the axe Expert panel. Select Options on the Scripts panel to display script recording options.

Focus and Keydown Notes:

The intent of the vast majority of recorded scripts is to bypass authentication. Verify that focus and keydown events are not checked in the Events to Capture portion of the Options in the Scripts tab. Focus is useful for replay purposes when an element is visible upon focus and hidden when focus is removed. Keydown is required to exercise custom keyboard event handlers, which are otherwise picked up by click or change events.

Select event recording options

  1. Verify that the axe Expert tab is active in the DevTools window and select Scripts from the axe Expert main drop-down menu. The Scripts panel displays.

    Select Options at the far, upper right side of the Scripts panel. The General and Events to Capture scripting options display.

Depending on the size of your browser window and the docking orientation of your developer tools, you may need to scroll down vertically to see all of the available options.

Clicking the Options link at the top, right of the Scripts panel

  1. In the Events to Capture section of the right pane, click checkboxes to the left of desired options to enable or disable the option in the subsequent recorded script (for example, Submit).

    A checkbox displaying a checkmark indicates option selection and any scripts recorded will record events of this type.

Default pre-selected options:

The Load URL, Change, Click, and Submit options are active by default.

To prevent recording an event type in a script, clear the relevant checkbox to disable the specific event type.

  1. Select SAVE.

Example of a checkbox option being selected with a checkmark indicator within the box

The next script recorded reflects your saved Events to Capture changes.