Install axe DevTools for Web for Java from Deque's Agora

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Installing axe DevTools for Web for Java using Deque's Agora artifact repository with Maven

For customers who do not have an internal artifact repository and desire a more sustainable and scalable solution for installation than downloading bundles, Deque makes its own artifact repository available to select customers. For information on other ways to install axe DevTools, see the guides on Installing from a Bundle or Installing from your Nexus repository.


In order to install axe DevTools from Agora, you must have Agora login credentials. Additionally, you must have an existing Java web project to integrate with.

Accessing Your API Key

The simplest way to access your API key is through the Agora webapp. Once logged in, you can find yor API key by clicking on the button labeled "Welcome $your-email-address" in the top bar next to the help button. From there you can copy your API key.

Adding Authentication

For Maven users, authentication information is added in the settings.xml file, located in the ~/.m2 directory. If you have an existing settings.xml file, add this server object to the servers object and add your email address and API key.


If you don't have a ~/.m2/settings.xml file configured, this template can be used. Your email address and API key will need to be substituted in this template as well.

<settings xmlns=""


To install axe DevTools in your project, first add this repository object to your <repositories> object.


Then, add the dependency to the <dependencies> object. Replace $binding with either Selenium, Hamcrest, Cucumber, or Playwright depending on your testing setup. Replace $version with your version.


To test whether maven is able to access and install these dependencies, run the command "mvn install" from the command line in the same directory as your pom.xml file.

Next Steps

Once axe DevTools has been successfully installed in your environment, read the guide on importing and initializing.

If you have issues installing axe DevTools, contact your Deque representative directly, ask us via our support desk, or send us an email. We'll be happy to help you get up and running.