Learn More About Remediation

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The axe Expert extension is officially retired. Read more about this on the axe Expert Replacement page. These pages will be taken down in July of 2024. Email helpdesk@deque.com with any questions or concerns.

Get more rule and remediation information

The Learn more link displayed in the content pane of the Analyze panel takes you to Deque University where you can learn more about the rule, why it is important, associated guidelines, remediation advice, and references to related information. Rule help is your entry point into Deque's deep knowledge base of accessibility problems and fixes.

Prior Activity: You must first analyze a loaded page on the Analyze panel and click a violated rule from the left pane in order to view the More info link on the right rule violation content pane. For complete instructions, see Analyze a Page for Accessibility Rule Violations.

Select Learn more to the right of the issue description on the analysis result rule violation content pane to get more information about a rule and relevant remediation advice.