Installation Options for the axe DevTools for Web Puppeteer Package

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Details the various ways that the @axe-devtools/puppeteer package can be installed

Deque offers these installation options for axe DevTools Puppeteer:

Download complete demo project pre-integrated with axe DevTools

For customers who need the shortest path to produce value with axe DevTools, we offer canned demo projects pre-integrated with axe DevTools. We curate several examples to approximate virtually any testing environment. With one of these demo projects downloaded, you can be producing accessibility scan reports for your own web pages in as little as ten minutes.

Download bundled package of axe DevTools and its dependencies

Designed for evaluation focused customers who want to integrate axe DevTools into their own testing environments as simply as possible, as well as customers who have limited access to public artifact repositories. This installation option requires no additional dependencies and can be delivered through the largest number of avenues.

Configure your artifact repository for users to download axe DevTools from it

For enterprise customers, our standard option is to configure your Nexus instance to distribute axe DevTools to your developers. This option is highly scalable and sustainable once your artifact repository can distribute axe DevTools without interrupting developer workflow.

Download axe DevTools from Deque's Agora artifact repository

Designed to serve enterprise customers without their own artifact repository, this option leverages Deque's internal artifact repository. With access to this repository, developers are able to access axe DevTools packages with the simplicity of a much larger organization's custom artifact repository instance.

How to choose

If it isn't clear which installation option you should choose, contact your Deque representative directly, ask us via our support desk, or send us an email. We'll be happy to help you select the best option for your environment.